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Kilifi Cracks Down: Muguka Banned

Kilifi Cracks Down: Muguka Banned

Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro took action on Friday by instituting a ban on Muguka, which includes its transport, distribution, and sale.

In an official statement, the governor mandated the immediate closure of all outlets within Kilifi County, whether they are involved in retail or wholesale, that are engaged in selling or distributing Muguka.

Additionally, Mung’aro specified that vehicles carrying Muguka will not be permitted to enter Kilifi County.

The governor formally announced “Executive Order No. 1 of 2024,” which prohibits the entry, transport, distribution, sale, and use of Muguka within Kilifi County. This order is issued under the authority granted by Section 30(2)(1) of the County Government Act and other pertinent laws of Kenya.

In response to this ban, county departments and their agencies were instructed to rigorously enforce the order and ensure strict adherence.

To ensure comprehensive enforcement of the ban, the governor immediately directed all Kilifi County enforcement officers, under the Directorate of Enforcement, to implement the order without exceptions.

Moreover, the governor emphasized that any officer caught colluding with offenders will face legal consequences and disciplinary measures.


This decision by Mung’aro comes shortly after Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Sheriff Nassir announced a similar ban on Muguka.

In a notice dated May 22, Nassir ordered all outlets, encompassing both retail and wholesale establishments, selling Muguka in Mombasa County to cease operations promptly.

The governor instructed County Departments responsible for law enforcement to apprehend individuals who violate the ban.

Governor Nassir invoked his authority vested by the Constitution and existing laws to issue a comprehensive prohibition on the entry, transport, distribution, sale, and use of Muguka and its derivatives within Mombasa County.

Explaining the rationale behind the decision, Governor Nassir stated that despite attempts to engage with those involved in the trade, they remained non-compliant. Consequently, legal consultation affirmed the validity of the ban, leading to the issuance of an executive order to enforce it effectively.

Kilifi Cracks Down: Muguka Banned