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HomeNewsKenya's Balanced Approach: Ruto Denies Favoring US Over China

Kenya’s Balanced Approach: Ruto Denies Favoring US Over China

Kenya’s Balanced Approach: Ruto Denies Favoring US Over China

President William Ruto has refuted allegations that his visit to the United States would negatively impact Kenya’s relationship with China.

During an interview with CNN, Ruto emphasized that Kenya will not align itself exclusively with either Eastern or Western nations in its foreign relations.

Ruto explained that Kenya aims to collaborate with both China and the US to maximize investment benefits.

He highlighted that there have been attempts to force Kenya into choosing sides between the two global powers.

Ruto stressed that Kenya’s priority is development, and it will work with all countries, regardless of any criticism stemming from his US visit.

“Many are trying to drag us into a debate on whether we align with the East or the West, but we are not choosing sides; we are looking forward,” Ruto stated.


“That’s where the opportunities lie, and we are strategically placing resources to seize these opportunities.”

Ruto also disclosed that Kenya has secured an agreement with Microsoft to establish a major data center, bolstering the country’s digital growth ambitions.

“We are collaborating with those who can help transform opportunities into investments, create jobs, and generate wealth,” Ruto affirmed.

Ruto’s statements follow claims that the US is attempting to diminish China’s influence in East Africa’s most stable economy by partnering with Kenya.

US President Joe Biden, in a White House address, praised President Ruto, commending his leadership style as exemplary.

“President, your courageous leadership has been crucial and highly effective. Together, the United States and Kenya are tackling the key challenges that affect our citizens’ lives,” Biden remarked.

Kenya’s Balanced Approach: Ruto Denies Favoring US Over China