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HomeNewsKenya Tops Global Democracy Rankings Ahead Of US And China

Kenya Tops Global Democracy Rankings Ahead Of US And China

Kenya Tops Global Democracy Rankings Ahead Of US And China

According to the most recent Open Society Barometer Report, Kenya appears to have made democratic advances over the past year.

73% of Kenyans, according to a report published in September 2023, believe that democracy is preferable to all other forms of government.

Kenya surpassed the United States of America, an advanced democracy with a score of 56%, and China, with a score of 62%.

Kenyan President William Ruto (left) and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

On the leaderboard, Kenya was only second to Turkey, whose 79 percent of citizens favor democracy over any other form of governance. Kenya and Senegal tied.

The report surveyed 36,344 respondents from 30 countries regarding the state of governance in democratic to communist dictatorships.

The poll coincided with a local version, Infotrak, in which Kenyan respondents awarded President William Ruto a grade of C or 55% for his performance as head of government, implying that he performed above average.

“Kenyans are very pragmatic and they have told us that the reason why the country is noted headed in the right direction in their opinion is because of the high cost of living. On the Flipside, those who are happy are because of peace,” stated Angela Ambitho, Infotrak CEO.

According to the report, the Head of State scored 60% in Rift Valley, 58% in the central region, 56% in the North Eastern region, 51% in Nairobi, and 47% in Nyanza.

ALSO READ: Tracking President Ruto’s Promises One Year In Office

Kenya posted remarkable results on the Open Society Barometer Report, which found that faith in democratically-led governments was rapidly eroding.

Photo collage of President William Ruto and President of the United States Joe Biden.

According to the data, only 57% of respondents between the ages of 18 and 35 believed that democracy was beneficial for society, while 42% supported military rule.

“Today’s young people have grown up and been politicized as the age of polycrisis has emerged. So, although most people globally still have faith in democracy, that faith is running on fumes,” stated Mark Malloch-Brown, the President of the Open Society Foundation which conducted the survey.

Since assuming office in 2020, US President Joe Biden, whose country’s 4-year rotational Head of State has long been regarded as the leader of the free world, has seen his popularity decline.

Foreign and domestic observers have criticized the Chinese government for operating an authoritarian one-party state that is harsh towards regime critics. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) insists that it is a democratic institution. Since ascending to power in 2018, Xi Jinping is serving his third term as China’s president.

Fear inborn of Kenyans

Kenya, however, topped the list of nations whose citizens innately fear that political unrest in their country could lead to violence in the coming year.

The percentage was 79%, followed by South Africa (79%), Colombia (77%), Nigeria (75%), Senegal (74%) and Argentina and Pakistan (each 73%).

Kenya Tops Global Democracy Rankings Ahead Of US And China