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Kenya Becomes Pawn in US-China Trade Wars as America Unveils New Counter Plan

Kenya Becomes Pawn in US-China Trade Wars as America Unveils New Counter Plan

On Monday, Cathrine Tai, the United States Trade Representative, affirmed that the United States has chosen to give precedence to its labor agreement negotiations with Kenya.

The US aims to modify its trade agreement policies, as outlined in a report presented to a House of Representatives Committee, to counter China’s expanding influence in global geopolitics.

The Trade Representative highlighted the importance of solidifying the nation’s trade policies alongside advancing elevated labor standards during the ongoing trade talks with Kenya.

Tai stated that the primary objective of these actions was to address the challenges arising from China’s trade and economic strategies.

It was observed that China’s trade strategies were leading to interdependencies and weaknesses across various industries, negatively impacting American workers and enterprises.

Tai’s report claimed that China’s significant influence presented an actual danger to the supply chains of the United States, highlighting the urgency for a reassessment of the nation’s trade strategies.

The initial announcement of the trade pact between the United States and Kenya occurred in 2022. This agreement focused on nine key sectors, encompassing aspects such as labor standards, agricultural trade, and efforts to combat corruption.


Additional domains comprise digital commerce, efforts towards addressing climate change, and safeguarding the environment. Regular meetings have been conducted between the two nations to refine the specifics of the agreement.

The agreement notably states that both nations will adhere to four fundamental global labor principles, which encompass the rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Other arrangements within the labor provisions entail eradicating any instances of coerced or obligatory labor, actively ending child labor, and prohibiting discrimination in employment and occupation.

The most recent update occurs one month before President William Ruto’s upcoming visit to the United States, with the meeting set for May 23.

Reports indicate that the meeting will concentrate on enhancing collaboration across a range of domains, such as interpersonal relationships, commerce, and investment.

This occurs while the United States and Kenya are in the process of completing negotiations in preparation for the eagerly awaited deployment of personnel to Haiti.

Kenya Becomes Pawn in US-China Trade Wars as America Unveils New Counter Plan