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HomeNewsIsaac Mwaura Reveals Terrifying Experience With Ndindi Nyoro That Made Him Ditch Potential Wife

Isaac Mwaura Reveals Terrifying Experience With Ndindi Nyoro That Made Him Ditch Potential Wife

Isaac Mwaura Reveals Terrifying Experience With Ndindi Nyoro That Made Him Ditch Potential Wife

Government spokesman Isaac Mwaura revealed that he was on the verge of marrying a Luo woman until a terrifying incident changed his mind.

In a post on X on Saturday, May 26, Mwaura shared that he and Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro traveled to the Kano plains in Kisumu County to meet his potential in-laws.

“I almost married a jaber from Kano tek to tar in 2011. We visited our would-be in-laws at Wii Pinje, accompanied by Hon. Ndindi Nyoro and Martin Mbau. 

“During our three-day visit, we decided to explore Lake Victoria and went to the famous Dunga beach for a boat ride. We found a boat labeled Odeng Nyasore, which appeared to be involved in charcoal smuggling from Uganda. The boat operator agreed to take us for a ride,” Mwaura recounted.

The spokesman revealed that their peaceful trip turned into a nightmare in the middle of Lake Victoria.

“After a pleasant journey to the lake’s center, where we couldn’t see any shores, the boat operator demanded more money, threatening to leave us stranded. My friend Ndindi was shocked, knowing he couldn’t swim, and even the best swimmer couldn’t make it to shore from that distance. We were all terrified and had to negotiate desperately to save our lives as the fear of drowning consumed us,” Mwaura continued.


However, they managed to convince the boat operator that they would pay him upon reaching the shore, as their bags were there.

Mwaura indicated that they felt immense relief when they finally saw dry land and told the boat operator to leave without paying him extra.

He noted that this ordeal marked the beginning of the end of his relationship with the woman.

“This harrowing experience convinced us that we had to return to Nairobi immediately, signaling the start of the end of that relationship,” Mwaura remarked.

The government spokesman returned to Kano village on Saturday for the homecoming of former Kisumu senator, Ambassador Fred Outa, and mentioned that he felt a strong connection to Kisumu.

Isaac Mwaura Reveals Terrifying Experience With Ndindi Nyoro That Made Him Ditch Potential Wife