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HomeNewsIran Rejects Involvement in Hamas Attack on Israel

Iran Rejects Involvement in Hamas Attack on Israel

Iran Rejects Involvement in Hamas Attack on Israel

On Monday, Iran refuted unfounded allegations that it played a role in Hamas’s enormous attack on Israel, stating that the allegations lacked evidence.

“The accusations linked to an Iranian role… are based on political reasons,” foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani told reporters.

He stated that the Islamic Republic does not interfere in the decision-making processes of other nations, including Palestine.

Under the cover of a massive rocket barrage, Palestinian militants from the Iran-backed Islamist group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, infiltrated Israel at dawn on Saturday.

To date, more than 1,100 people have been slain in the conflict, with Israel reporting over 700 deaths and the Palestinians reporting 430.

Iran, which does not recognize Israel and has made support for the Palestinian cause a pillar of its foreign policy since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, was one of the first nations to applaud the Hamas assault.

Kanani stated that the Palestinians possessed “the necessary capacity and will to defend their nation and recover their rights” without assistance from Tehran.


“Talking about an Iranian role aims at turning public opinion (away from the facts) and at justifying the potential future actions” of Israel, the spokesman added.

In a statement issued overnight, Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations also denied allegations that the Islamic Republic was involved in the Hamas attack.

It occurred after the Wall Street Journal reported that “Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel on Saturday and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut on Monday,” citing senior members of Hamas and the Iran-backed Hezbollah movement in Lebanon.

Sunday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi stated that his country supported the Palestinians’ right to self-defense and warned that Israel must be held responsible for jeopardizing the region.

Raisi, who has spoken with Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders since the Hamas attack, has also urged Muslim governments to “support the Palestinian nation”.

A US official stated on Sunday that it was too early to determine whether Iran was “directly” involved in the Hamas attack, but there was little doubt that Hamas was “financed, equipped, and armed” by countries such as Iran.

Iran Rejects Involvement in Hamas Attack on Israel