Hotel Rwanda Hero’s Release Ends Diplomatic Sore Point

HomeNewsHotel Rwanda Hero's Release Ends Diplomatic Sore Point

Hotel Rwanda Hero’s Release Ends Diplomatic Sore Point

The late-Friday release of Paul Rusesabagina from a Rwandan prison was the result of months of negotiations between Washington and Kigali, with both sides eager to put an end to what was described as an “irritant” in their relationship.

No concrete concessions were made to secure the release of Rusesabagina, a U.S. permanent resident made famous by the 2004 film ‘Hotel Rwanda for his role in saving Tutsis during the 1994 genocide, according to two U.S. officials, one from President Joe Biden’s administration and a Congressional aide.

In 2019, he was arrested and subsequently convicted on eight terrorism charges stemming from his leadership role in the Rwanda Movement for Democratic Change (MRCD), the armed wing of which, the National Liberation Front (FLN), has attacked Rwanda.

His imprisonment strained relations between the two nations. The United States has asserted that Rusesabagina was unlawfully detained, whereas Rwanda has responded to the criticism by declaring that it will not be intimidated.

In 2021, the United States allocated over $147 million in foreign assistance to Rwanda, making it the country’s largest bilateral donor.

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“The U.S. government made it clear to the [Rwandans] that this issue would remain a bilateral irritant until a mutually satisfactory resolution could be reached,” a Biden administration official said on the condition of anonymity.

Rwandan government spokesperson Yolande Makolo described the case as “irritating in both directions.”

“After a few false starts, progress began precisely when the U.S. abandoned the ‘pressure’ and threats approach and decided to engage with Rwanda on the substance of the matter and its context – political violence by armed groups and Rwandans’ security,” she told Reuters.

Makolo pointed to a statement issued by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken after Rusesabagina’s release, emphasizing that political change in Rwanda should only occur through peaceful means when asked how the United States had engaged on these issues.

The U.S. Congressional aide, who also requested anonymity, stated that Rusesabagina’s and Washington’s efforts to acknowledge Rwanda’s point of view advanced the negotiations.

Rusesabagina’s October letter to Rwandan President Paul Kagame, in which he expressed regret for not ensuring that MRCD members abstained from violence, was particularly helpful, according to the aide. It was released by the Rwandan government on Friday.


Before the talks gained momentum, a significant obstacle for the Rusesabagina family and members of Congress advocating for his release was mobilizing the entire Executive branch, according to the aide.

As a Belgian citizen of Rwandan descent residing in the United States, Rusesabagina’s case did not “fit neatly into a box,” the aide said.

In May 2022, when the Biden administration determined that Rusesabagina had been wrongfully detained, momentum began to increase.

Blinken met Kagame during his August visit to Rwanda, where, according to U.S. officials, the case was extensively discussed. December’s U.S.-Africa Summit in Washington provided yet another opportunity for discussion.

Rusesabagina’s release could only be compelled by an invasion of Rwanda, Kagame asserted on the sidelines of the December summit.

In an interview with Semafor less than two weeks ago, Kagame gave the first major public indication of softening when he stated there were discussions about “resolving” the case.

Then, on Friday, it was reported that Rusesabagina’s sentence was commuted. Several hours later, he was transferred from Nyarugenge Prison to the Qatari embassy.

U.S. officials say he will spend a few days in Rwanda before traveling to Doha and then the United States.