High Court Grants Jimi Wanjigi Relief with Orders Restraining Police from Arresting Him

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High Court Grants Jimi Wanjigi Relief with Orders Restraining Police from Arresting Him

The High Court in Nairobi provided relief to troubled businessman Jimi Wanjigi by issuing orders that prevented the police from arresting or detaining him.

Justice Bahati Mwamuye, while issuing these orders, declared the case urgent and scheduled a mention for August 16, 2024.

The court’s orders included a conservatory injunction preventing the Respondents, their staff, agents, or any third parties under their direction from arresting, detaining, or restricting the freedom of movement of Jimi Wanjigi pending the hearing of the application dated August 8, 2024.

Earlier, Wanjigi had filed a lawsuit against law enforcement authorities, alleging that the raid on his residence was a breach of his rights and unequal treatment under the law.

Acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli had instructed Wanjigi to report to the police to provide a statement after accusations emerged that Wanjigi funded the Nane Nane anti-government protests.


Masengeli claimed that police discovered teargas canisters and other items in Wanjigi’s Prado TX, which were supposedly intended for use in the protests.

Wanjigi’s lawyer, Willis Otieno, accused the police of targeting his client for holding a differing political stance from the current government. Otieno also reported that the police had executed three separate raids at Wanjigi’s upscale residence in Muthaiga, Nairobi.

Two of these raids took place on Thursday evening, with one around midnight and another early Friday morning. Otieno described how, during the raids, police conducted searches in the presence of family members and left after a lengthy search, only to return early the next morning.

Jimi Wanjigi’s family reported that during the various raids, they were subjected to police brutality. Maina Wanjigi shared that he was assaulted by five officers, while his mother and sister were forced to lie on the floor and kicked in the head. He noted that their WiFi was disrupted and expressed confusion over the police’s intentions.

High Court Grants Jimi Wanjigi Relief with Orders Restraining Police from Arresting Him