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Govt Employee Arrested, Detained, and Denied Bail Over Ksh24 Million Gold and Mercury Scam

Govt Employee Arrested, Detained, and Denied Bail Over Ksh24 Million Gold and Mercury Scam

A Turkana county politician was on Thursday, March 28, charged before a Mombasa court for obtaining Ksh24 million in a scam deal

In a statement released on Thursday, March 28, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), noted that the politician obtained the money on false pretenses connected to a gold and mercury trade deal. 

According to the court, the accused and his accomplices scammed four individuals by pretending to be in a position to partner in the deal. 

The accused pleaded ‘not guilty’ to all counts.

“Senior Prosecution Counsel Barbara Sombo opposed his immediate release on bail since he was under further police investigations,” ODPP noted.

Following the prosecutor’s concern, the trial magistrate in his ruling, further ordered the accused to be detained for fourteen days at the Central Police Station to allow detectives to complete their investigation.


The court further directed that he be produced in court on April 8, 2024, for a determination of a bond as applied before the court. 

“He would be released on a Ksh7 million bond with a surety of a similar amount and two guarantors with clear details of their residences,” ODPP added. 

In a similar incident, Nanyuki Law Courts Senior Principal Magistrate Ben Mararo on Thursday, sentenced a man to 15 years in jail for defilement, after he was found guilty of violating the Sexual Offences Act.

According to the court, the convict sexually assaulted his stepdaughter multiple times and threatened to kill her in the case she reported the incident. 

The prosecution, proving the man’s guilt beyond reasonable doubt, presented six witnesses.

The incident happened between March 2020 and May 2021, in Timau Buuri, West of Meru County.

Govt Employee Arrested, Detained, and Denied Bail Over Ksh24 Million Gold and Mercury Scam