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HomeNewsGovernment Directive: Eastlands Residents Urged to Vacate Immediately for Affordable Housing Program

Government Directive: Eastlands Residents Urged to Vacate Immediately for Affordable Housing Program

Government Directive: Eastlands Residents Urged to Vacate Immediately for Affordable Housing Program

The Ministry of Lands has issued a directive to residents of six Government Estates located in Nairobi’s Eastlands area, notifying them of the necessity to evacuate in preparation for the redevelopment initiative under the Affordable Housing Program (AHP).

The official communication, conveyed by Charles Hinga, the Housing Principal Secretary, specifies that the affected estates comprise Jogoo Road Phase I & II, Jamaa, Mbotela, Ahero, and Mawenzi Gardens.

In adherence to the notice, residents are mandated to vacate their current residences by the 30th of April 2024.

Additionally, residents are required to settle any outstanding rent arrears, utility bills, and service charges before departure.

The directive is linked to the government’s implementation of the Affordable Housing Program (AHP), a crucial component of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).


The overarching goal of this initiative is to revitalize several aged estates, thereby bolstering the rental housing inventory, offering homes for sale at reasonable rates to citizens, and fostering employment opportunities for the youth.

The notice emphasizes the imperative need to swiftly evacuate all tenants residing in the identified Government estates to facilitate their redevelopment.

It underscores the commitment to creating affordable housing options and employment prospects aligned with the broader socioeconomic transformation agenda.

Furthermore, the notice outlines that residents who comply with the evacuation will receive preferential treatment when it comes to purchasing or renting a house once the redevelopment of these estates is successfully concluded.

This gesture is a proactive measure to ensure that those affected by the relocation will have priority access to the enhanced housing options that will result from the redevelopment project.

Government Directive: Eastlands Residents Urged to Vacate Immediately for Affordable Housing Program