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Fafi MP’s Appeal to Interior CS Kindiki After Police Assault at Nyayo House

Fafi MP’s Appeal to Interior CS Kindiki After Police Assault at Nyayo House

Fafi MP Salah Yakub, an ally of the ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA), is calling on the Interior Ministry to take action after he was subjected to a beating at Nyayo House.

In a Monday night declaration, the legislator asserted that the attack resulted in him tending to injuries on his leg and arm.

He disclosed that he had gone to the famous house to obtain a passport when the officers, especially a policewoman, tried to blackmail him before the supposed attack occurred.

He additionally pointed out that the law enforcement officials stationed at the structure within Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD) had frequently attacked individuals who were looking for assistance at the renowned building.

Fafi MP Salah Yakub giving an address

“CS Kithure Kindiki and the Independent Policing Oversight Authority, (it is) very unfortunate that police officers at Nyayo house are mishandling the general public and today I fell a victim, roughed up and seriously assaulted. I sustained injuries to my left foot and arm,” he lamented.

He additionally claimed that six Members of Parliament, himself among them, had already been targeted by police officers who, according to him, habitually engaged in extorting the public.


“A policewoman is heading the security there. She collects money from Kenya Somalis who applied for passports for them to access the premises and she verily mishandled most NEP MPs (MPs from the North Eastern Province of Kenya). I am the sixth MP to be humiliated by that contingent. Waziri (CS) take action!” He added.

The attack occurred several months following the Interior CS’s initiative to overhaul the consistently corrupt department, aiming to expedite passport production.

From August to September of this year, the Chief Secretary (CS) unexpectedly visited the National Immigration Department’s main office at Nyayo House to evaluate the conditions and engage with Kenyan citizens seeking assistance.

Following his engagement with the customers, the customer service representative recognized the presence of blockages in the procedure, identifying them as barriers to the effective delivery of essential services.

Numerous people who were alleged to have disrupted service provision were apprehended during the subsequent investigations.

The Computer Science specialist’s trip to the immigration office was prompted by grievances raised by a group of Kenyan citizens regarding recent delays in obtaining passports.

Fafi MP’s Appeal to Interior CS Kindiki After Police Assault at Nyayo House