Drama Unfolds at Meru County Assembly as MCAs Clash Over Governor Mwangaza’s Fifth Impeachment Motion(Video)

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Drama Unfolds at Meru County Assembly as MCAs Clash Over Governor Mwangaza’s Fifth Impeachment Motion(Video)

Heavy security was established around the Meru County assembly and its surroundings following an attempt by hired thugs to set the assembly ablaze to disrupt today’s debate on the fifth ouster motion against Governor Kawira Mwangaza.

In a statement to Gossipa2z.com, Nkuene MCA Martin Makazi and nominated MCA Kiriinya Mwenda condemned the attack, accusing the governor of orchestrating chaos to derail a constitutional process.

Kiriinya reported, “We couldn’t sleep as the hired goons encircled the assembly from 11:00 pm until morning. Their goal was to ignite a fire, but fortunately, the police responded quickly and managed to control the situation, and the fire extinguishers kept the flames at bay.”

The leaders described how the unruly youths used improvised petrol bombs to attack the assembly premises.

“They attempted to force their way into the assembly, littering the area with stones and throwing improvised petrol bombs. Their actions indicated a potential intent to harm us. This form of disruption is unacceptable and threatens MCAs who are simply performing their constitutional duties,” Makazi remarked.



They further accused Governor Mwangaza of attempting to obstruct the impeachment motion through various means rather than addressing the accusations of gross misconduct and misuse of office in the assembly.

Kiriinya criticized the governor’s approach, stating, “Rather than coming to the assembly to defend herself, she is resorting to chaos, which is uncalled for and detrimental to our nation. It is regressive to use youth to undermine a constitutional process.”

North Imenti police chief Adan Alio confirmed the incident, stating that the attackers aimed to disrupt the assembly proceedings.

“Yes, we have increased security at the assembly and throughout Meru Town to ensure the safety of people and property,” Alio said.

As the proceedings were scheduled to start at 10:30 am, major roads leading to Meru Town were closed, and some protesters, including members of the Njuri Ncheke Council of elders, were seen gathering at Kinoru Stadium.


Police sources indicated that some of the unruly youths were arrested the previous night.

Drama Unfolds at Meru County Assembly as MCAs Clash Over Governor Mwangaza’s Fifth Impeachment Motion(Video)