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HomePOLITICSDP Gachagua Snubs State House Tea Over Poison Fears, Kuria Claims

DP Gachagua Snubs State House Tea Over Poison Fears, Kuria Claims

DP Gachagua Snubs State House Tea Over Poison Fears, Kuria Claims

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has intensified his criticism of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua as internal conflicts within the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) deepen.

Kuria, in a statement viewed by Gossipa2z.com on Sunday, accused Gachagua of avoiding tea at the State House out of fear of being poisoned. This allegation comes amid rumors of a rift between Gachagua and President William Ruto.

Kuria questioned how Gachagua expects other leaders to feel secure during Cabinet Committee meetings at his Karen Residence, suggesting that the DP could also harm visiting leaders at his official residence.

The concern was one of 10 questions Kuria directed at the DP, filled with serious accusations that Gachagua has not yet addressed.

Kuria hinted that if Gachagua answered the questions convincingly, he might join the DP’s movement, implying a possible shift to the opposition.

Additionally, Kuria accused Gachagua of requesting Ksh10 billion from President Ruto to address issues in the Mt Kenya region, questioning the benefit of such funds to the residents.


Kuria claimed Gachagua threw tantrums when Ruto denied his request for the funds.

Kuria also doubted Gachagua’s ability to lead the Mt Kenya region, citing the loss of trust from 90% of its leaders, both elected and appointed.

Kuria criticized Gachagua for politicking while President Ruto and other leaders worked tirelessly, questioning the DP’s understanding of government operations.

Kuria further questioned Gachagua’s plans for the Mt Kenya region, where he enjoys full support, and whether he intends to run for president in 2027.

In the document, Kuria accused Gachagua of pressuring President Ruto to fire him and of orchestrating his transfer from the Ministry of Trade and Investments.

Kuria revealed that before the 2022 General Elections, Gachagua initially refused to join a Mt Kenya allied party before merging with Kenya Kwanza Alliance. He noted that Gachagua is now urging leaders to leave the government and join his party.

DP Gachagua Snubs State House Tea Over Poison Fears, Kuria Claims