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HomeNewsDirector of Govt Parastatal Unmasked in Massive Ksh490M Scandal

Director of Govt Parastatal Unmasked in Massive Ksh490M Scandal

Director of Govt Parastatal Unmasked in Massive Ksh490M Scandal

The former Director General of the National Museums of Kenya, Mzalendo Kibunja, is being investigated for suspected improper disbursement of funds within the institution.

The Office of The Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) disclosed in a statement on Saturday, April 13, 2024, that the ex-director and three other staff members distributed Ksh490 million to non-existent employees within the organization.

“The DPP upon thorough review of the resubmitted inquiry file, was satisfied that there was enough evidence to warrant the prosecution of several offences,” the statement read in part.

The quartet, along with a bank staff member facilitating the transfer of funds to other executives within the company, will be held accountable for five charges.

The DPP plans to accuse those involved of conspiring to engage in corruption, misusing their authority, and illegally obtaining public assets.

Additional accusations encompass obtaining funds derived from illegal activities and engaging in unethical financial behavior.


“The DPP continues to affirm to the public that the office shall continue to be guided by the Constitution of Kenya.”

In a subsequent declaration, the DPP revealed additional details about officials from the OL-KALOU NG-CDF, recommending that they face charges related to conflict of interest, misuse of authority, and misappropriation of public funds.

After conducting an inquiry, the authorities uncovered that a sum of Ksh62 million was allocated to the Ol-Kalou Constituency Roads Project from March 15, 2014, to March 31, 2018.

“During the same period, Cheque and Cash withdrawals totaling Ksh55 million were made in favor of the Ol-Kalou NG-CDF Roads Project Committee Officials and the name of seven other companies without following any procurement procedures,” ODPP noted.

The committee defended its actions by stating that the funds were earmarked to aid a range of road projects carried out throughout the Constituency.

However, since there wasn’t enough documentation to support the committee’s assertions, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) decided to pursue prosecution. The DPP’s office clarified that the lack of evidence suggested that no road construction had been carried out as claimed.

Director of Govt Parastatal Unmasked in Massive Ksh490M Scandal