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HomeNewsDetails Behind Ruto's High-Level Meeting With Somalia's President 

Details Behind Ruto’s High-Level Meeting With Somalia’s President 

Details Behind Ruto’s High-Level Meeting With Somalia’s President 

Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud touched down in the nation on Thursday, April 11, to engage in diplomatic discussions with President William Ruto.

The discussions, conducted at the State House in Nairobi, primarily centered around the territorial conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia.

Kenya urged for the preservation of Somalia’s territorial integrity as a means to alleviate the strained relations between Somalia and Ethiopia.

“Our unambiguous position on this question is respect for the territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Somalia,” stated Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’Oei.

Tensions have been on the rise between the two nations after Ethiopia struck a deal to build a naval facility on the separatist territory of Somalia that lies adjacent to the Red Sea.

Ethiopia’s choice sparked a disagreement with Somalia vehemently objecting to it. Despite appeals for reconciliation between the two nations, the conflicts appear far from resolution.

In addition to discussions aimed at resolving the deadlock with Ethiopia, Ruto’s dialogue with Somalia’s leader also addressed strategies for combating the Al Shabaab insurgent organization.


It was observed that Al Shabaab utilized the Ethiopia-Somalia conflict as a means to depict the government in Mogadishu as incapable of safeguarding Somalia’s sovereignty.

Mohamud’s trip to Kenya occurred just a month following the visit of Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to the same country.

During the discussion with Abiy, Ruto underscored the significance of upholding peace, security, and stability across the continent.

Kenya and Ethiopia reached an agreement to acknowledge, honor, and uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations.

“More particularly, the meeting committed to revitalizing the provisions of the Special Status Agreement of 2012, with a particular focus on trade and investment commitments,” read part of a statement issued by President Ruto.

Details Behind Ruto’s High-Level Meeting With Somalia’s President