CS Aisha Jumwa Dragged Back to Murder Case: Eyewitness Details Unprecedented Attack Leading to ODM Supporter’s Tragic Death

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CS Aisha Jumwa Dragged Back to Murder Case: Eyewitness Details Unprecedented Attack Leading to ODM Supporter’s Tragic Death

A person who observed the murder of ODM supporter Jola Ngumbao has described an incident where ex-MP Aisha Jumwa reportedly attacked him with forceful punches during the intrusion into the party’s planning session in Malindi.

On October 15, 2019, Michael Otieno recounted being present at Reuben Katana’s residence, where the party conducted agent training for the upcoming Ganda ward by-election. It was during this training session that Jumwa unexpectedly arrived at the homestead.

It was around 5:48 pm.

“A vehicle suddenly appeared. I saw Geoffrey Atieno Okuto alight from the land cruiser. Ms. Jumwa and other ladies then followed,” the witness told High Court Judge Anne Ongi’injo. 

Ms. Jumwa was in a convoy of four land cruisers.

At that time, Mr. Okuto served as Ms. Jumwa’s assistant and is currently facing charges related to the killing of Mr. Ngumbao.

Initially, both Mr. Jumwa and the former Malindi MP faced charges together, but the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions later decided to withdraw the charges against the ex-MP.

This occurred after the prosecution’s declaration that it had examined the evidence and confirmed that Ms. Jumwa was not implicated in the killing of Mr. Ngumbao.

On Tuesday, the court was guided by the witness through the events in which the ex-MP entered the residence, leading to the tragic death of Mr. Ngumbao.

Mr. Otieno mentioned that the ex-MP, currently serving as the Cabinet Secretary for Gender, Culture, Arts, and Heritage, went straight to the tent where election agents and other party officials were gathering right after getting out of her vehicle.

The court received information that Magarini MP Michael Kingi and several ward representatives were in attendance inside the tent. Additionally, law enforcement officers were present at the residence.

Mr. Otieno mentioned that security personnel were positioned about 70 meters distant from the location of the meeting.

As per the testimony of the witness, Jumwa’s security team tried to restrain her, but she managed to push her way into the meeting, resulting in a commotion.

The witness also mentioned that upon Ms. Jumwa exiting her vehicle, she engaged in conversation with security personnel who seemed to counsel her against advancing to the location of the meeting.

“She went ahead boxing anybody on sight, her security attempted to restrain her but she continued misbehaving and insisting that the meeting will not take place,” said the witness who was being questioned by state counsel Bernard Ngiri. 


The witness asserted that all present, including Mr. Kingi, urged the ex-MP not to disrupt the meeting, yet she remained unresponsive to their pleas.

“We even asked her why she was interfering with our meeting yet her camp had conducted their meeting peacefully without interference from us,” the witness claimed.

Mr. Otieno asserted that while leaders were urging Ms. Jumwa not to disturb the gathering, the ex-MP attacked Ms. Maureen Arawa physically, throwing punches. Ms. Maureen was accompanied by Mr. Otieno.

During the court proceedings, it was mentioned that Ms. Jumwa was acquainted with both individuals as they had collaborated while she was still involved in the ODM party.

“When I asked Ms. Jumwa why she was assaulting Ms Arawa, the former MP pounced on me as well, claiming that we were in her constituency, not Mr Odinga’s. She threw blows at my face and chest,” he told the court.

During the incident, the observer mentioned that an unidentified individual accompanying Ms. Jumwa wielded a piece of lumber, warning to assault everyone and asserting that they were not within Mr. Odinga’s electoral constituency.

Mr. Otieno mentioned that during the ODM meeting, an individual threw a chair at Ms. Jumwa’s bodyguard. Subsequently, other attendees tossed dust at Ms. Jumwa’s team.

“The officers started firing into the air. Ms Jumwa hit my right eye and chest. I ran to take cover in a house next to the scene. A person next to me was hit by a bullet and died,” he said. 

Mr. Otieno revealed that he subsequently found out that the person beside him, who had been harmed by the accidental gunshot, was Mr. Ngumbao.

He mentioned finding out about it when he was brought to a nearby hospital for medical care.

The witness added that during the ongoing disturbance, Mr. Okuto went back to the car and equipped himself with a handgun.

“Mr Okuto was holding a pistol in his right hand though I did not see him firing. The officers who were around fired in the air to disperse the crowd” clarified the witness.

Following the event, the observer stated that he entered a vehicle owned by a member of the ODM (Orange Democratic Movement) MPs present at the gathering and traveled to Malindi town, specifically to the party’s secretariat.

“I later went to the hospital to seek treatment and also assisted the deceased family,” he said. 

The witness mentioned that he proceeded to Ganda ward on October 17 to oversee the elections. He provided his statement to the police the day after.

CS Aisha Jumwa Dragged Back to Murder Case: Eyewitness Details Unprecedented Attack Leading to ODM Supporter’s Tragic Death