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HomeNewsCourt Strips KANU of KICC Ownership

Court Strips KANU of KICC Ownership

Court Strips KANU of KICC Ownership

The recent ruling by the Milimani High Court has decisively determined that the ownership of the parcel of land on which the Kenyatta International Convention Center (KICC) stands belongs rightfully to the government.

Justice Jacqueline Mogeni, presiding over the case, declared that the acquisition of this land by the Kenya African National Union (KANU) was both illegal and unauthorized.

In her comprehensive verdict, Justice Mogeni annulled the title deed previously granted to KANU and affirmed that the Ministry of Tourism is the legitimate proprietor of the land.

She emphasized the procedural irregularities surrounding the allocation of the property to KANU, asserting that it transgressed legal norms.

Moreover, she raised pointed questions about the circumstances under which the late President Daniel Arap Moi obtained possession of the land, noting its absence from the roster of plots earmarked for public utility.


The judge scrutinized the absence of documented evidence detailing the protocol for the alienation of public land and its subsequent allotment to the leader of a political party.

Notably, she underscored the lack of authority vested in the Commissioner of Lands to assign such premises to KANU, highlighting the legal overreach involved.

The legal saga began in 2020 when KANU brought the case before the Environment and Land Court, seeking to reclaim the land based on a purported allocation dating back to May 1969.

However, the court’s ruling now definitively establishes the government’s ownership, casting doubts on the legitimacy of KANU’s claims.

This landmark judgment underscores the judiciary’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring the rightful stewardship of public assets.

It serves as a reminder of the imperative to adhere to legal procedures and principles in matters of land allocation and ownership, safeguarding the integrity of property rights and governance structures.

Court Strips KANU of KICC Ownership