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Coastal Counties Boycott Agriculture CS’s Forum on Muguka Ban, Call for National-Level Consultation

Coastal Counties Boycott Agriculture CS’s Forum on Muguka Ban, Call for National-Level Consultation

Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, and Taita Taveta counties, members of the Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani economic bloc (JKP), have declared they will not participate in a forum organized by Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi to discuss the counties’ ban on Muguka.

In a joint statement on Monday, the governors voiced concerns about the CS’s impartiality due to his previous comments on Muguka.

“You have publicly expressed your stance on the Constitutional and legal actions taken by Mombasa, Kilifi, and Taita County Governors to ban Muguka (Gazette Notice 6482 of Executive Order NO.1 of 2024),” the statement reads.

“Your statements dated 29th May 2024, indicate your Ministry’s position of safeguarding the socio-economics of the producing counties.”

The governors stressed that the Muguka issue requires extensive consultation among various stakeholders due to its national significance.

“Given that the Muguka ban in the Jumuiya ya Kaunti region has sparked a national debate and statements from the Executive, Judiciary, Legislature, and all 47 County Governments, we believe this issue holds extraordinary public interest,” the statement asserts.

The governors are now urging the Head of State to oversee any further discussions on the matter.

They also call for the involvement of the National Authority for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA), the Ministry of Health, security agencies, and civil society, emphasizing that the Muguka ban impacts more than just agriculture.

“As consumer counties, we face adverse effects from the sale of Miraa/Muguka regarding health, security, and the economy. It’s vital to consider the global perspective in this discussion,” the statement elaborates.


“Cathine and Cathinone, the active ingredients in these crops, are banned under the current Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act 1994.”

The governors note that Cathine and Cathinone are banned substances in Tanzania, Uganda, China, Europe, the US, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, highlighting global recognition of their harmful effects.

The ban is supported by scientific studies conducted by the Mombasa Women Empowerment Network Mental Health Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre, ReachOut Rehabilitation Centre, Port Reitz Hospital, and the NACADA Rehabilitation Centre from 2021 to 2024, which found that 550 patients with mental health conditions were abusing Muguka.

“This trend is consistent across all Coastal Counties, raising concerns for our people’s wellbeing,” the governors added.

They also point out that Muguka’s shorter harvest time and low cost make it more accessible to minors.

In late May, the government dismissed the county-level Muguka bans, with CS Linturi stating that counties cannot ban Muguka, a scheduled crop under the Crops Act 2013 and the Miraa Regulations 2023.

According to CS Linturi, any bans in Mombasa, Taita Taveta, and Kilifi counties that contradict the legal recognition of the shrub are invalid.

Coastal Counties Boycott Agriculture CS’s Forum on Muguka Ban, Call for National-Level Consultation