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HomeNewsCliff Ombeta and Danstan Omari claim the government stopped Shakahola's exhumations to...

Cliff Ombeta and Danstan Omari claim the government stopped Shakahola’s exhumations to hide evidence of extra-judicial killings.

Cliff Ombeta and Danstan Omari claim the government stopped Shakahola’s exhumations to hide evidence of extra-judicial killings.

Three attorneys, Danstan Omari, Cliff Ombeta, and Shadrack Wambui, will join Jared Magolo on Pastor Ezekiel’s legal team.

Saturday, April 29, the three attorneys confirmed that they had received instructions to join Ezekiel’s defense team and promised a battle royale.

They asserted that the Shakahola exhumations would unearth victims of extrajudicial killings, citing this as the reason why the government ceased to exercise its authority.

Danstan Omari, Cliff Ombeta, and Shadrack Wambui, who arrived in style in Mombasa for Pastor Ezekiel’s case, have questioned the government’s decision to suspend exhumations at Shakahola.

Shakahola excavations have ceased

They have accused the government of concealing vital information from the public, arguing that it may have buried victims of extrajudicial killings on the 800-acre plot of land in question.

Ombeta lamented that the government has denied journalists access to the land and appears to be concealing vital information from the public.

Friday, April 28th, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki halted the exhumation of bodies due to heavy rainfall.

This occurs only a few days after Kindiki barred journalists from entering the land where the exhumation was taking place because it was a crime scene and a restricted area.

The government was held accountable for Shakahola deaths

By arresting Pastor Ezekiel, who had nothing to do with the shocking mass deaths in Shakahola, the government, according to Ombeta, was attempting to demonstrate to Kenyans that it was taking action.

“Because the administration is under siege, they are holding Pastor Ezekiel. It is a public relations exercise, as they do not know how to respond to Kenyans’ questions,” said Ombeta.

ALSO READ: Police Suspect Pastor Ezekiel Odero Linked to Shakahola Deaths

He stated that whatever the government was doing was unsubstantiated speculation and that there was no connection between their client and the controversial preacher Paul Mackenzie.

Pastor Ezekiel has spent one year in Kilifi.

Omari stated that Ezekiel has only lived in Kilifi. For a year and that his church is located far from the contested Shakahola forest land. Where over 100 bodies have been exhumed.

He added that Ezekiel has never been to Shakahola. Since he left to establish a church in Kilifi and that he has no relationship with Mackenzie.

Omari stated, “The police must provide evidence demonstrating communication between our client and Mackenzie.”

According to Omari, 15 people have died on the premises of Pastor Ezekiel’s church. In the year that he has been in Kilifi, and authorities are aware of these deaths. Because they were reported as required by law.

15 deaths occur in Pastor Ezekiel’s church.

The church’s policy states that very sick patients seeking prayers or miracles must be accompanied by family members.

Some passengers arrive on buses already deceased. Those who have passed away have their family members file a report at the nearest police station.

“We will disclose the 15 OBs that the police possess. There has been no death in which the police not involved. The church is unaware of any of these fatalities. The family members bring these individuals and file a report before burying their loved ones. “No one had died from fasting,” Omar stated.

Omari went on to explain that only children accompanied by their parents are permitted to enter the Mavueni New Life Prayer Centre Church.

Cliff Ombeta and Danstan Omari claim the government stopped Shakahola’s exhumations to hide evidence of extra-judicial killings.