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HomeNewsChina Pledges Support For Kenya's Mission To Haiti

China Pledges Support For Kenya’s Mission To Haiti

China Pledges Support For Kenya’s Mission To Haiti

Kenya and China have pledged to uphold the territorial integrity and sovereignty of nations.

Musalia Mudavadi, the Prime Cabinet Secretary and also the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, engaged in discussions with Wang Yi, his Chinese counterpart. The focal point of their meeting was the multilateral mission to Haiti, as directed by United Nations Security Council Resolution 2699(2023).

They all concurred in supporting the global principles of peace, progress, equity, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom. Additionally, they expressed their opposition to meddling in the domestic affairs of other nations in the name of ‘democracy and human rights.’

“It was agreed that China will continue to support the mission as well as other peace-building initiatives in Africa, where Kenya is playing a leading role,” Mudavadi said in a statement.

Nevertheless, the High Court deemed the intended dispatch of Kenyan police officers to Haiti in the Caribbean as unlawful.

In a judgment issued last Friday, Justice Chacha Mwita stated that the National Security Council lacks the authority to send police officers to a foreign nation.

Mudavadi also mentioned that Kenya reiterated the recognition of the existence of only one China globally and affirmed that Taiwan is an integral part of China’s territory.

Likewise, he asserted that the People’s Republic of China’s government is the exclusive lawful authority representing the entirety of China. Additionally, he emphasized that the One-China Principle is widely acknowledged as a fundamental standard guiding global relations and enjoys broad international agreement.

Mudavadi, following Wang Yi’s invitation, conducted an official trip to Beijing spanning from January 24 to 26, 2024.

He was joined by high-ranking government representatives, including Aurelia Rono, the Principal Secretary for Parliamentary Affairs, and Kenya’s Ambassador to China, Ambassador Willy Bett.


Mudavadi mentioned that he had a productive discussion with his counterpart at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

He further mentioned that talks revolved around bilateral and multilateral matters of shared interest, highlighting the accomplishments of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Kenya and China over the past 60 years since the initiation of diplomatic relations.

Simultaneously, the two Ministers deliberated on the future 60-year cycle of the Long-term Joint Vision for the strategic partnership between Kenya and China.

“It was agreed that joint vision be anchored on building an even closer Kenya-China community with a shared future in the new era as well as pillars for the Implementation of the vision,” he said.

The Computer Science department also affirmed their support for incorporating the shared vision into their individual foreign policies. They expressed a commitment to institutionalize this vision and to set up collaborative technical teams tasked with elaborating on the vision’s pillars and developing a detailed implementation plan and framework.

Mudavadi praised China for its significant assistance in achieving Kenya’s key development goals, particularly in the areas of roads, rail transport, green energy infrastructure, and information and communication technology (ICT).

The Ministers have also committed to sustaining frequent high-level visits and communication exchanges, along with regular Joint Technical meetings to carry out the joint vision of forging a stronger China-Kenya community with a shared future in the new era.

China Pledges Support For Kenya’s Mission To Haiti