Raila Odinga Accuses Ruto of Being an Enemy of “Hustler Nation

HomePOLITICSRaila Odinga Accuses Ruto of Being an Enemy of "Hustler Nation

Raila Odinga Accuses Ruto of Being an Enemy of “Hustler Nation

Yesterday, opposition leader Raila Odinga dismissed President William Ruto’s government and labeled him an enemy of the Hustler Nation and democracy due to crashing taxation proposals and a move by the Head of State to buy off opposition leaders, respectively.

Mr. Odinga stated that Dr. Ruto, who campaigned on a populist platform to uplift the common man and small businesses, has turned against the very people who voted him into office.

“Ruto is not consulting at all. In Murang’a County, he stated, “He is proposing taxes that are a crushing burden for the very poor, on whose shoulders he campaigned.”

He added that President Ruto is “an enemy of democracy who openly promotes political prostitution by bribing elected officials from other parties.”

Mr. Odinga attended the funeral service for Ms. Mary Nyambura Cyrus at Gitui’s Anglican Church.

The deceased was the mother of Ms. Jane Waigwe, the wife of the former governor of Murang’a, Mr. Mwangi wa Iria.

In addition, he stated that the proposed housing tax that would be imposed on employees and their employers was inconsiderate.

“Why would the government require employees to purchase homes if they already own one, do not need one, or can afford to purchase one on their own?” he questioned.

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Mr. Odinga accused the Kenya Kwanza Alliance government of proposing the “draconian Finance Bill 2023. Which even taxes beauty products to make it difficult to be beautiful.”

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He also accused the Ruto administration of tribalism, adding, “I cannot promote tribalism at all costs because I am a nationalist.”


In Kitui, where Mr. Odinga attended the funeral of Yatta’s longest-serving MP, Gideon Munyao Mutiso. The opposition leader stated that it was immoral for the government to impose additional taxes on “already overtaxed” Kenyans.

“We are experiencing very difficult times due to the high cost of living. Low-income earners cannot afford the price of essentials such as unga, yet the government plans to increase taxes. “The proposed tax will harm more Kenyans, including women who are the primary consumers of the beauty products targeted for taxation,” he said.

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He continued, “We acknowledge that taxation is the only means by which the government can prosper. However, Kenyans are already subject to excessive taxation. If you can prevent the waste of public funds, you will not need to raise taxes. We dealt with President Mwai Kibaki in this manner. W’did not raise tax rates. We eliminated all theft and waste, and the economy improved.”

Mr. Odinga alleged in Murang’a. That the government handled the Shakahola massacre in a manner that suggests it has something to hide.

Recently, he attempted to visit Shakahola to observe the exhumation of bodies, but “security officers chased me away, claiming they did not want witnesses.”

He stated, “The government is hiding something.” An issue of such public importance requires transparency.

Concerning is a situation in which children are being killed by mallet blows to the head. And other humans are being starved and suffocated.

Raila Odinga Accuses Ruto of Being an Enemy of “Hustler Nation