Gov’t Moves To Regulate Hospitality Sector After Murder Incidents(New regulations & penalties)

HomeNewsGov’t Moves To Regulate Hospitality Sector After Murder Incidents(New regulations & penalties)

Gov’t Moves To Regulate Hospitality Sector After Murder Incidents(New regulations & penalties)

Dr. Alfred Mutua, the Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife, has instructed proprietors of lodging establishments to obtain proper licensing by the laws of the Tourism Regulatory Authority (TRA).

On Tuesday, CS Mutua expressed worry about the recent incidents of fatalities occurring in private lodgings. He indicated that the government is poised to intervene and implement regulations to ensure the safety of the public in such accommodations.

Expressing remorse for the lack of accountability in certain facilities, he emphasized that his ministry would guarantee legal consequences for any owner who fails to comply.

“I have noted with great concern the recent unfortunate criminal incidents occurring in the short-stay accommodation sector,” he said.

“To uphold the integrity of our tourism industry, the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, through the Tourism Regulatory Authority, will rigorously enforce compliance, taking legal action against any violations of TRA licensing laws.”

CS Mutua stated that the government plans to reassess the TRA laws and conduct a public participation initiative to enhance tourists’ confidence in the hospitality sector.

He warned the owners of the cottages about the negative repercussions of renewing their licenses late, emphasizing that they would face penalties and other legal consequences as outlined by the law.

The Chief of Security subsequently affirmed the government’s dedication to ensuring the public’s safety. Additionally, he urged citizens to verify the licenses of lodging establishments.

“We urge the public to verify the registration and license status of facilities to ensure compliance with already outlined directives by the government and maintain quality standards,” he noted.


“Several platforms have distanced themselves from these isolated cases. It is our assurance that hospitality services in Kenya are generally safe.”

The announcement follows Airbnb, a company headquartered in San Francisco, disassociating itself from two distinct and horrific murder cases involving women. These incidents were reported to have taken place within properties listed on the platform in the Roysambu and South B estates of Nairobi.

Airbnb mentioned that there were no bookings recorded on their platform for the reported dates at the locations where the murders took place. Additionally, the individuals of interest in both cases were not found to have registered accounts on the platform.

“Over the past week, Kenya has witnessed two heinous crimes in the city of Nairobi. We are saddened and shocked to learn of these events, and our thoughts are with the victims’ loved ones during this difficult time,” read the statement published on Airbnb’s website.

“We can confirm that neither of these events were connected to stays on Airbnb. We do not have accounts registered to the names of the accused.”

Ministry of Tourism and Labour Responds to Airbnb-related deaths with a commitment to safety & regulation
Ministry of Tourism and Labour Responds to Airbnb-related deaths with a commitment to safety & regulation

Gov’t Moves To Regulate Hospitality Sector After Murder Incidents(New regulations & penalties)