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HomeNews84% of Gen Zs Don't Want to Stay in Kenya or Africa- Report

84% of Gen Zs Don’t Want to Stay in Kenya or Africa- Report

84% of Gen Zs Don’t Want to Stay in Kenya or Africa- Report

A report by Africa Uncensored showed that most young Kenyans from Generation Z preferred not to live in Kenya or Africa.

The report, titled Fame, Fortune, and Freedom; Decoding the Shape of the Dream for Kenya’s Gen Z, found that 84% of Gen Z respondents were open to leaving Kenya for another country, while only 16% wanted to stay.

Around 80% of the participants preferred to move to the United States, followed by over 60% who chose Europe, 37% chose Australia, 34% chose another part of Africa, 20% chose another country in East Africa, and 18% chose Asia.

The 1,300 Gen Z respondents were asked if they wanted to leave Kenya for better opportunities and where they wanted to go.

Type of jobs preferred by Gen Z.

The report also indicated that most Gen Zs preferred to start their businesses using the internet rather than work in farming.

22% of respondents aimed for self-employment, followed by 12% who wanted to be influencers, 12% doctors, 10% in office jobs, 9% engineers, and 8% musicians.


Farming ranked lower at less than 5% of respondents, along with online writers, security guards, motorcycle taxi riders, and rideshare drivers.

The respondents emphasized salary when job-hunting, followed by mental health, a positive work environment, company reputation, and remote work options.

Regarding the morality of earning money, 34% believed in making money ethically, while 23% felt that making money was important, regardless of the method.

19% said they didn’t judge those who earned money illegally, even though they wouldn’t do it themselves, and fewer than 10% thought bribery was unavoidable in making money.

“The survey polled 1300 young people aged between 18 and 27 across Kenya. Now to the questions: 78% of the gen-z respondents polled say they want to be famous,” John Allan Namu, the founder of Africa Uncensored, revealed.

Africa Uncensored collaborated with Odipo Dev, an insight-focused collective that uses audience and cultural intelligence to create unique brands, to produce the report.

Young Kenyans ready to ditch Kenya.

84% of Gen Zs Don’t Want to Stay in Kenya or Africa- Report