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HomeNewsWoman Jailed Over WhatsApp Chats Threatening Husband's Lawyers

Woman Jailed Over WhatsApp Chats Threatening Husband’s Lawyers

Woman Jailed Over WhatsApp Chats Threatening Husband’s Lawyers

Marriage is not a bed of roses! Patricia Kinyua did not envision that a marital conflict with her husband would lead to her being imprisoned over WhatsApp texts.

While narrating her experience at Njeraini Citu, Kinyua revealed that they enjoyed marriage at first, siring a child in the process. However, as in the case of many couples, conflicts arose leading to several altercations.

She explained that owing to her anger, her husband sought restraining orders as well as sought to file for divorce.

“When his lawyer came to serve me with those documents, he did it in a very unprofessional way. They gave the neighbors to furnish me with the documents, which didn’t happen. I came to find out about the information two months later.”

Kinyua contacted the law firm about the document, which she claimed, they denied at first. “I later found out that he (lawyer) is the one who wrote the document,” she stated.


“There arose a heated conversation and out of anger I insulted and threatened him through WhatsApp audios,” Kinyua added not knowing that this would come to haunt her.

Thinking that the situation had cooled down, Kinyua moved on with her life. Two months later, she was arrested by police officers after the lawyer filed a report.

“It was on a Saturday, I heard a knock, and upon opening, the officers placed me in handcuffs. In court, the charges were read and I filed for bail. The magistrate told me that my charges were quite serious. They gave me a Ksh1 million bond or cash bail of Ksh500,000,” she indicated.

After staying in remand for two years, she was convicted on March 22, 2020 – a fault she regretted knowing that it would affect her child.

“To my parents, I ask for forgiveness. To the advocate, I hold no grudge against him. To my husband, I’ve prayed to God to help me move on with or without him. To my child, I also ask for forgiveness for deserting him at such a time,” she mourned.

Woman Jailed Over WhatsApp Chats Threatening Husband’s Lawyers