We’ll not evict occupants of Njiru land, Kirima family says

HomeNewsWe’ll not evict occupants of Njiru land, Kirima family says

We’ll not evict occupants of Njiru land, Kirima family says

The Kirima family now says that it will not evict occupants of the Njiru land, despite the courts having directed them to do so.

In a statement on Sunday, the family said they are willing to engage directly with the current occupants of the land on a way forward.

In a statement, the Kirima family affirmed that they are also ready to sell the parcels of land to the current occupants.

“As a family, we are indeed sympathetic to the anguish suffered by unfortunate Kenyans duped into buying the plots of land in Njiru from unscrupulous and merciless swindlers. Whereas the court granted us the liberty to evict the current occupants on our land, we are reluctant to resort to evictions marked by cruel demolitions and heartless destruction of property as witnessed elsewhere,” the statement reads.

“For the sake of clarity and avoidance of doubt, the Kirima family is ready to sell the land to the current occupants on a willing-buyer, willing-seller arrangement. Such an action will enable the issuance of legitimate title deeds to those who have not yet bought their parcels or made a commitment to do so.”


The Kirimas said it is their wish that the whole process is undertaken in the most mutually agreeable way possible, to give the current occupants legitimate ownership and closure to the family.

The statement added that the Kirima family has no intention whatsoever to coerce those unwilling among the current occupants of the land to purchase the plots they occupy.

“As a family, thus far we sincerely appreciate the many occupants who have already paid for the parcels of land they occupy and the many more who have expressed intent and commitment to take up our offer,” the Kirima family said.

For a seamless process, the family said it has surveyed the parcels of land in focus and mapped all the plots, ascertained the value of each plot based on the size and location of each, and profiled all the occupants on a plot-to-plot basis.

They added that they have prepared offers for each individual on the land and made the decision not to engage would-be buyers through groups or agents.

“Instead we have opted to engage directly with the individual occupants and provided details of the lawyers undertaking the conveyancing and banking details in the letters of offer,” the family said.

We’ll not evict occupants of Njiru land, Kirima family says