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HomePOLITICSWamuchomba's Poignant Words at Ruto's Mama Mboga' son's Funeral

Wamuchomba’s Poignant Words at Ruto’s Mama Mboga’ son’s Funeral

Wamuchomba’s Poignant Words at Ruto’s Mama Mboga’ son’s Funeral

Githunguri MP Gathoni wa Muchomba on Wednesday gave President William Ruto’s administration a tongue-lashing, dismissing it as deceitful and full of pathological liars.

She was speaking during the burial ceremony of Alex Mbugua, son of Mrs Pauline Waithera Njoroge in Githunguri.

Mbugua, who died at the Kenyatta National Hospital aged 51, left behind a widow and three sons.

The burial was also attended by Public Service CS Moses Kuria, Kiambu Women representative Anne Wamuratha, and Nyeri politician Mr Thuo Mathenge.

Kiambu County Governor Kimani Wamatangi sent a representative.

Mrs Njoroge, 71, was one of the signatories that endorsed President William Ruto’s nomination as a presidential candidate for the 2022 General Elections.

She was also among those who delivered a public speech at the Jumuia Conference Centre in Kiambu County on May 23, 2022, during the Bottom-Up Model Conference.

Kuria said some people were taking too much time talking about non-issues instead of serving people.
“I have committed to educate and empower the three sons who have been left behind by the deceased,” said Kuria.


Wamuchomba said Mrs Njoroge was later abandoned to the point she became a miser and was never invited even to witness Ruto’s swearing-in ceremony on September 13, 2022, at Kasarani.

She claimed Ms Njoroge was used by United Democratic Alliance (UDA) bigwigs during Ruto’s campaigns.

“She’s the one who proposed the Ruto candidacy at Kasarani stadium…she was promised a bigger hustle and a prominent position in the Hustler government”.

“She should now be one of the big people in UDA. They told us UDA will be a bodaboda and mama mboga government”.

“Is Susan Nakumincha (Health CS) mama mboga?, is Moses Kuria (Public Service CS) bodaboda? They made us lie to you and make a fool of your intelligence as voters…where are the jobs and where is their money more than a year later?” posed the Githunguri MP.

Wamuchomba said Ms. Njoroge “went through hell with her son’s ailment and hospitalization to a point he has died. They insult and fight me because I speak out against those lies and even if they kill me the truth shall remain”.

“You only come here when she is in trouble and will unleash more promises to her when you know very well you made a fool of her and impoverished her”.

“If you cared you should have given her at least a million shillings to keep her well. As it is, you should ask yourself how these hustlers feel seeing you hopping into big cars and flying in choppers as they wait for unfulfilled promises”.

She said she gave Ms. Njoroge Sh100,000 for her troubles.

ALSO READ: Kuria Slams Gachagua’s Unity Plea in Mt Kenya: “Kila Siku ni Kuungana?”

“Even the system sent her goons in the dead of night to warn her against speaking to the media, made her life look more miserable …now they have brought her Sh900, 000 after they heard she has been bereaved”.

Wamuchomba said a government that was founded on prayers ‘should be the last to cheat the poor, sell them fake fertilizers, and promote a culture of lies”.

Riabai MCA Hezron Gichui dismissed Ms. Wamuchomba as a “reckless firebrand politician with no cause, whose only calling was becoming a propaganda master”.

“She is saying that subsidized fertilizers have dog, donkey, and goat fecal materials, while I am a farmer who can report the success story of this government and its programs”.

He criticized the clergy for entertaining falsehoods and the spread of despair and despondency in the presence of the pulpit.

Guchui dismissed Wamuchomba as a lone ranger who had declared baseless war against the government.

Ms. Wamuratha termed Wamuchomba as “someone who harbors strange hatred for the government to the point of going around spreading lies”.

Wamuchomba’s Poignant Words at Ruto’s Mama Mboga’ son’s Funeral