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HomePOLITICSWaititu Apologizes for Misleading Mt Kenya to Vote UDA

Waititu Apologizes for Misleading Mt Kenya to Vote UDA

Waititu Apologizes for Misleading Mt Kenya to Vote UDA

Former Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu has asked the people of Mt Kenya to forgive him for what he described as misleading them into voting for UDA.

“I left the UDA party and did not join Azimio. I am now without a party, but I am with the people of Mt Kenya,” he said.

“I want to apologize for misleading the community, but in the next election, we will stand united.”

He made these remarks during the Limuru III conference.

The former governor called on the people of Mt Kenya to come together and support one of their own.

He mentioned that in the next election, the Mt Kenya region will present its candidate.

“By doing so, the respect for Mt Kenya will be restored,” the former governor stated.

He emphasized that the interests of Mt Kenya cannot be represented by an outsider.

Waititu also urged Mt Kenya leaders to support the proposal for one man, one vote, and one shilling.


“Uhuru had good intentions with BBI, but we let him down. This time, we must support our candidate, whether a woman or a man,” Waititu said.

Embakasi West MP Mark Mwenje warned that the people of Mt Kenya risk losing a lot if they do not unite.

He stressed that they should continue to work together in unity.

“We must be united or we risk perishing; we must be united together,” he said.

The New Democrats party leader Thuo Mathenge expressed gratitude to the event organizers, highlighting the importance of the issues discussed.

He said he would continue collaborating with all leaders in the region, regardless of political party affiliation.

“We must unite for us to progress,” Mathenge said.

He suggested that the consultative meetings should extend to other countries.

Waititu Apologizes for Misleading Mt Kenya to Vote UDA