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HomeNewsViral Video Sparks Kenyan Plea to DCI Over Youth's Gun Brag

Viral Video Sparks Kenyan Plea to DCI Over Youth’s Gun Brag

Viral Video Sparks Kenyan Plea to DCI Over Youth’s Gun Brag

Kenyans are urging the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to take action against multiple young individuals seen in a video displaying a firearm.

The video, posted online Tuesday morning, depicted two individuals believed to be teenagers revealing a weapon, prompting inquiries into how they obtained the firearm.

A young person, wearing a college jacket, a shirt with emojis, and black pants, is observed lifting their shirt to reveal a gun secured at their waist.

His coworker, wearing a black shirt and grey pants, proceeds to make contact with the weapon, asserting that the team is beyond reach or harm.

“Ukileta noma hapa, tuko na ndenge (If you cause trouble, we have a gun),” the unidentified young man claimed, staring directly into the camera.

Worried individuals promptly highlighted that the group of young people obtaining access to hazardous weapons has been causing significant chaos among Kenyans who are already suffering from the challenges of a weakened economy.

“Hey DCI, how long will it take you to nab these boys?” Questioned Geoffrey Moturi, whose X account has amassed a following of 126,000 people.

“Should we watch them brag that they have “ndenge” (slang for a gun) and harass the overburdened Kenyans?”

“Maliza hawa kabla hawajatuhangaisha huku mitaani (Crack your whip on these before they cause mayhem in our estates),” demanded another.


“Please parents, the new year has already begun and pupils are supposed to go to school. No more social events and crying foul in the name of the new year,” advised another user.

After the video gained widespread attention for over three hours, there has been no response from the Directorate regarding the allegations. Additionally, the location of the youth involved remains unknown, as it hasn’t been clarified which county they are from.

Judging by the video, the room had over five youths at the time the clip was recorded.

The occurrence happened one month after the DCI apprehended five gang members who were recorded boasting about robbing innocent Kenyans. The individuals, who were operating in the Coastal counties, were captured in a well-planned operation led by officers from Mombasa’s Central Police Station.

DCI investigators suspected that the five individuals were part of a structured criminal organization that had been active in the Sargoi area and its surrounding communities.

Viral Video Sparks Kenyan Plea to DCI Over Youth’s Gun Brag