US Pushes Haiti Prime Minister to Resign as Kenya Police Deployment Delays

HomeNewsUS Pushes Haiti Prime Minister to Resign as Kenya Police Deployment Delays

US Pushes Haiti Prime Minister to Resign as Kenya Police Deployment Delays

As disorder intensifies in Haiti due to the delayed arrival of Kenyan police officers, the United States is exploring alternative strategies to pacify the unrest.

Representatives from both the White House and the State Department, in conversation with the Miami Herald, a US-based publication, emphasized that the administration was advocating for Prime Minister Ariel Henry to step down.

According to officials, the United States suggested that Henry should resign from his position as interim president to aid in the formation of new governing systems and the selection of a new prime minister. Alternatively, he could wait until the deployment of the Multinational Security Support (MSS) force.

A government insider disclosed that the Biden administration no longer trusted Henry’s capacity to effectively lead. The insider highlighted that Henry was resistant to relinquishing significant authority during a transition to democracy.

The official stated that the US administration does not envision a situation where Henry will retain his position. It’s reported that Henry is devising a strategy to retain control.

Moreover, Linda Thomas Greenfield, the US ambassador to the UN, elaborated that Henry had been tasked with establishing a transitional council responsible for appointing an interim prime minister. This process would necessitate Henry’s resignation.

“What we’ve asked the Haitian prime minister to do is move forward on the political process that will lead to the establishment of a presidential transitional council that will lead to elections. We think that is urgent,” he told the publication.


In contrast, State Department representative Mattew Miller addressed the media on Wednesday, clarifying that the US was urging Henry to accelerate the transition towards inclusive governance. He also mentioned that officials from the US and other nations were engaged in discussions with the Prime Minister regarding this issue.

As discussions to encourage Henry’s resignation persist, officials from the US and Caribbean are engaging in dialogue with Haitians to finalize details regarding the composition of the new governing framework.

In the meantime, the United States has observed that the Haiti National Police (HNP) may collapse imminently unless urgent deployment occurs.

“The government could fall at any time. If the HNP dissolves as an effective counterforce, if we see the airport or the presidential palace fall, it’s over,” one of the officials stated

Nevertheless, although the US declined proposals to dispatch their police to the mission, the Biden administration is seeking to accelerate the deployment of Kenyan police officers and personnel from other nations.

Significantly, Henry visited Kenya last week to finalize the agreement alongside President William Ruto to deploy 1,000 police officers to Haiti.

Nevertheless, during his absence, gangs seized control of the nation, releasing prisoners and causing chaos at airports. As a result, Henry had to flee to Puerto Rico before returning to Haiti.

US Pushes Haiti Prime Minister to Resign as Kenya Police Deployment Delays