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HomeTravelUK Ranks Mombasa Among Top Holiday Destinations in the World

UK Ranks Mombasa Among Top Holiday Destinations in the World

UK Ranks Mombasa Among Top Holiday Destinations in the World

Mombasa ranks as the second cheapest city globally, according to the Long Haul Report from the United Kingdom Post Office.

The city emerged as the cheapest on the continent and came second behind Hoi An in Vietnam globally. 

The report sought to measure the prices of what tourists need including a bottle of beer, sunscreen, and a three-course meal for two.

The total for the three items averaged Ksh10,586 (£59.57) in Mombasa compared to Hon Ai whose charges came to Ksh9,358 (£52.66) and Cape Town which was at Ksh10,944 (£61.58).

Photo of Diani Beach in Mombasa County captured on October 2019.

Bali, Indonesia, and Tokyo, Japan followed with Ksh12,865 (£72.39) and Ksh13,069 (£73.54) respectively.

Other cities in the top 10 were Delhi in India, Phuket in Thailand, Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh, Penang in Malaysia, and Colombo in Sri Lanka.


In the report, the UK Post Office indicated that prices in Mombasa went down by 19.2 percent as compared to the 2021 survey.

“Mombasa in Kenya and Cape Town in South Africa are the runners-up again, but they’ve switched places. In Mombasa, beach prices are down by over almost 20 percent,” read part of the report.

In the 2021 survey, Mombasa was ranked the third cheapest city, with holidaygoers spending an average of Ksh10,342 in Mombasa compared to Ksh9,154 in Cape Town and Ksh9,060 in Hon Ai, Vietnam.

“Our totals for Cape Town reached Ksh9,154. With its beaches, culture, and fine dining, it retains second place and was only just beaten to the top spot by Hoi An, in Vietnam,” read part of the 2021 survey. 

“It’s followed by Mombasa, Kenya – a vibrant coastal city near swathes of beach resorts.”

Over the years, coastal beaches in the coastal city have won global awards. In July 2022, Diani Beach was ranked among the 50 best beaches in the world. 

This followed reviews from other agencies, media outlets, and customer recommendations.

Mombasa Tusks is one of the most prominent landmarks of Mombasa City.

UK Ranks Mombasa Among Top Holiday Destinations in the World