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HomePOLITICSUDA Rift Widens: Mt Kenya Leaders Firmly Reject Extra Deputy Role

UDA Rift Widens: Mt Kenya Leaders Firmly Reject Extra Deputy Role

UDA Rift Widens: Mt Kenya Leaders Firmly Reject Extra Deputy Role

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party is experiencing ongoing internal divisions, as evidenced by the unambiguous opposition of a faction of Mt Kenya leaders affiliated with the party to the establishment of an additional deputy party leader role.

Presently, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua occupies this position. However, conjecture exists that the party may create an additional deputy leader position to accommodate a prominent politician from a different region in Kenya; such a move would be strategically advantageous for President William Ruto’s reelection campaign in 2027.

A sensitization forum was conducted at the UDA Mt Kenya headquarters in Nyeri, where leaders, led by Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga, expressed opposition to the proposed deputy leader position and demanded that leaders from the Mt Kenya region exclusively hold the Secretary-General role and the anticipated position.

“The UDA party demands that there be a party leader and a deputy party leader; the rest can do as they please,” Governor Kahiga stated. “Participants may nominate anyone.”

“Having a single deputy party leader is equally as important as having a single party leader.”

As per the leaders’ assertions, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is the sole Deputy Party Leader of the party.

In addition, the legislators advocated for the unification of all regional parties into the UDA to facilitate the selection of representatives in advance of the general elections of 2027.


The demand has been made one month before the party’s December grassroots elections.

“We should appoint a UDA party candidate so that we can have a UDA government in 2027 which is very strong,” a member of the leadership commented.

A month before the demand, a senator from Kakamega submitted a petition to the party’s governing authorities requesting Cleophas Malala’s removal as UDA Secretary General.

Khalwale leveled the allegation that Malala had appointed regional and county administrators in an ad hoc manner, without seeking input from other party organs.

Khalwale issued the following statement at the time: “If the Honourable Committee does not intervene, the Petitioners will endure irreparable personal loss and prejudice.”

According to Khalwale, Malala would have continued to make unlawful appointments if the party disciplinary committee had not issued conservatory orders halting the appointments of regional and county administrators.U

UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malalah speaking at Hustler Plaza in Nairobi on July 25, 2023.

UDA Rift Widens: Mt Kenya Leaders Firmly Reject Extra Deputy Role