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UDA Rift: Omar-Joho Friendship Sparks Turmoil

UDA Rift: Omar-Joho Friendship Sparks Turmoil

UDA in Mombasa is experiencing internal conflict due to the association between vice chairman Hassan Omar and ODM deputy party leader Hassan Joho.

The members are divided into two factions, one led by Omar and the other by Nyali MP Mohammed Ali.

Omar and Ali have their sights set on becoming the governor of the county.

Conflict arose when Omar openly endorsed Joho’s candidacy for the position of ODM leader if Raila Odinga secured the chairmanship of the African Union Commission.

He stated that the political variances between himself and Joho were not personal, emphasizing that they are now collaborating for the betterment of the residents of the Coast region.

Political analysts suggest that the ex-Mombasa Senator is establishing a political infrastructure aimed at garnering support from locals, particularly the youth, who hold Joho in high regard.

They claim that securing the position relies heavily on his proximity to the ex-governor.

On Thursday, Nyali MP Mohammed Ali expressed doubts about Omar’s decision, stating that it does not benefit the UDA.


Samir Omar, the coordinator in Mombasa, clarified that Omar’s actions were individual and did not reflect the position of the party.

“That is not true. UDA cannot support a rival party,” he said at an Iftar dinner.

Samir and Millie Odinga alleged that Omar prioritized fostering unity with a competing party over UDA’s interests.

“How can you work with a rival party yet the party that sponsored you and in which you are a high-ranking official has problems that have not been solved?” Samir asked.

UDA members aligned with Omar retaliated against Samir on Saturday, asserting that he lacks the authority to represent the party.

“It is clear he is against the unity of Coast leaders being championed by Omar. The noble idea was started by President William Ruto, when he fostered a good working relationship with his political rival, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga,” Coast Development Authority director Mgandi Kalinga said.

He stated that Omar enjoys the support of the party’s members, encompassing coordinators, past candidates, and those who aimed for candidacy in the 2022 election.

Kalinga alleged that Samir was manipulated by Ali following Omar’s appointment as the county chair of the party.

“I have been a victim on the other side and I know all the theatrics on the other side,” he said.

Mutungwa Wambua, aspiring for the UDA Mombasa county chairmanship, stated that Omar’s alignment with former Mombasa governor Joho aims to consolidate Coastal leadership, a strategy supported by party leader and President William Ruto.

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He stated that Samir and Odinga, who are aligned with Nyali MP Mohammed Ali, aim to incite discord in situations where there is none.

“There is no power vacuum in Mombasa. It is sad that a small boy, who does not even know how to drink porridge, is spreading propaganda against our vice chairman. Stop misguiding Mombasa youth,” Wambua said.

He mentioned that coastal figures like Noah Katana Ngala, Karisa Maitha, Shariff Nassir, and others have previously held positions within the government.

“Why are you bothered when the vice chair tries to bring other leaders from the cold to the government? What is your intention?” Wambua asked.

Kalinga stated that they adhere solely to directives from Omar unless they receive instructions directly from President William Ruto.

He attributed this to Omar’s advocacy for the majority of their appointments to government positions following the 2022 election.

Kalinuga mentioned that Omar has allocated over 30 million shillings towards economically empowering former candidates and aspirants as well.

More than 24 companies founded by former UDA aspirants and candidates are now aiming to secure government tenders.

Sheikh Abu Qatada declared that Mombasa no longer tolerates negative political influences.

“Hassan Omar has been championing for coastal unity but unfortunately this has hurt some few individuals who claim to be UDA members,” he said.

“It is through this unity that we will have a strong voice that the government will listen to,” Qatada said.

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Mohamed Juma, who serves as the UDA Mvita sub-county coordinator, alongside Salma Maina, expressed their surprise at a coastal leader’s opposition to unity.

“This is selfishness of the highest order,” he said.

The pair stated that Omar is advocating for transformation in Mombasa and has a well-thought-out plan for achieving constructive improvements in the long run.

“Our party has no boundaries. We welcome all and sundry into the party. Anybody is free to join UDA,” Maina said.

UDA Rift: Omar-Joho Friendship Sparks Turmoil