WorldCoin Users Face Health Warning: CS Nakhumicha’s Findings

WorldCoin Users Face Health Warning: CS Nakhumicha's Findings Kenyans who registered for WorldCoin have been instructed to seek medical attention if they develop anomalous symptoms,...

Global WorldCoin Holders to Visit Kenya Next Week

Global WorldCoin Holders to Visit Kenya Next Week Next week, the founders of the controversial cryptocurrency project Worldcoin are anticipated to arrive in the country. Sam...

Government Reveals Secret WorldCoin Collaborators

Government Reveals Secret WorldCoin Collaborators At least eleven Kenyan companies worked with WorldCoin, even though various stakeholders continued to express concern about the company's data...

Kenyan Data Verdict: Court Rules on WorldCoin

Kenyan Data Verdict: Court Rules on WorldCoin The High Court in Nairobi has issued an injunction prohibiting World Coin from processing any Kenyan data until...
