Kindiki New Directive Scrutinised as Accidents Increase

Kindiki New Directive Scrutinised as Accidents Increase Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki's directive ordering the National Police Service (NPS) to remove all roadblocks across the...

Kindiki Shifts KICC Event Protocols

Kindiki Shifts KICC Event Protocols Tuesday, the Ministry of the Interior, under the direction of Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki, revised security protocols in response to...

Ababu Namwamba Appoints Official Immediately After Kindiki Fired Her

Ababu Namwamba Appoints Official Immediately After Kindiki Fired Her Ababu Namwamba, Cabinet Secretary for Sports, appointed Lucia Nzoongo to the Kenya Film Commission's Board of...

No Idlers Will Be Allowed At Nyayo House, Kindiki Declares As Gov’t Goes After Passport Brokers

No Idlers Will Be Allowed At Nyayo House, Kindiki Declares As Gov't Goes After Passport Brokers Prof. Kithure Kindiki, minister of the interior, has ordered...

Kindiki’s Call: Nyayo House as Crime Scene

Kindiki's Call: Nyayo House as Crime Scene Interior Cabinet Secretary confirmed on Thursday that, if necessary, he will declare Nyayo House in Nairobi a crime...

Kindiki Directs Removal of All Police Roadblocks

Kindiki Directs Removal of All Police Roadblocks Secretary of the Interior Cabinet Kithure Kindiki has ordered police officers to dismantle all roadblocks by November 1...

Kindiki’s Caution to Azimio: No Demo Restart on Failed Talks

Kindiki's Caution to Azimio: No Demo Restart on Failed Talks If the bipartisan talks fail, Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has warned the opposition party Azimio...

Kindiki Targets WorldCoin Tycoon

Kindiki Targets WorldCoin Tycoon Wednesday, August 9th, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki urged foreign countries to extradite WorldCoin staff to record statements in Kenya after...

Worldcoin Operations Halted by Government Due to Safety Worries

Worldcoin Operations Halted by Government Due to Safety Worries The government has ceased all activities related to the WorldCoin cryptocurrency initiative. Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kithure...

Kindiki: Plotters Provided Fatal Firearms to Protesters

Kindiki: Plotters Provided Fatal Firearms to Protesters The government has taken steps to clear the police of allegations of extrajudicial murders during efforts to quell...

Kindiki Mocks Azimio: “Sasa wameingia kwa nyasi”

Kindiki Mocks Azimio: "Sasa wameingia kwa nyasi" The government is pleased with how it handled demonstrators during the three-day demonstrations called by the Azimio la...

Kindiki Calls for Stricter Sentences on Protestors

Kindiki Calls for Stricter Sentences on Protestors Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki disclosed some of the charges that prosecutors will prefer against the 304 protestors...
