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HomeNewsSomali President Vows Unyielding Al-Shabab Defeat

Somali President Vows Unyielding Al-Shabab Defeat

Somali President Vows Unyielding Al-Shabab Defeat

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, president of Somalia, stated that military operations against al-Shabab will continue until final victory is achieved.

He spoke on Tuesday, a day after government troops withdrew from several communities in response to Saturday’s deadly al-Shabab attack on soldiers in Cowsweyne village.

“The conflict will persist regardless of which battlefield is lost or who spreads false information. “It will not cease, and we will not retreat from where we are,” he said. “We will attain the ultimate victory we desire.

The significance lies in obtaining a decisive victory. A conclusive triumph is imminent.”
He lauded the government soldiers who expelled the militants from vast areas since the offensive began last year, as well as the local combatants who participated in the operations and paid tribute to both groups.

“Al-Shabab is weaker and smaller today,” he said. “We are more experienced, more numerous, better equipped, and more encouraged than the adversary, and we have a victory that they do not. The victory is within reach.”

Mohamud refuted al-Shabab’s claim that 178 soldiers were slain in the attack on Cowsweyne. He stated that al-Shabab suffered the most casualties and buried their deceased in mass graves.

“The correct information about Cowsweyne must be this conclusion,” he said, explaining that al-Shabab had lost 190 fighters and buried them in mass graves.

“They have eliminated their own wounded because they lack hospitals and medicine,” he stated. “The army will reach those mass graves and investigate them.”

ALSO READ: Decoding The Return Of Alshabaab In Lamu

Both sides’ allegations of casualties have not been independently verified.
Al-Shabab asserts a ‘historic victory

Al-Shabab declared the attack on Cowsweyne to be a “historic victory.”

As a consequence of the attack, government forces withdrew from four towns that al-Shabab claimed on Tuesday to have recaptured.

Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the former president of Somalia, demanded an investigation into the administration of military operations at the Cowsweyne frontline. He urged the defense subcommittee of the legislature to investigate the attack.

In his remarks, Mohamud pledged to correct “mistakes” and assume responsibility.

“It is time to recognize the valor of our soldiers and hold accountable those who have abused their responsibilities, committed treason, or undermined the army,” he said.

He promised that any errors committed by soldiers, officers, or anyone else would be rectified.

Al-Shabab official surrenders

In the meantime, the Somali government on Tuesday displayed a mid-level al-Shabab official who surrendered to government forces near the Mudug region town of Wisil.

Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, minister of interior, federal affairs, and reconciliation, identified the official as Nur Abdullahi Maalinguur, also referred to as Nur Deeq.

Nur Deeq, according to Fiqi, was the leader of al-Shabab militias in the Mudug region and was embroiled in fierce fighting in the region.

Fiqi stated that Nur Deeq used to make menacing phone calls to business communities, traditional elders, and other members of the community.

According to Somali intelligence agencies, al-Shabab commanders contact businesses and other members of the community to solicit donations, extortions, and other contributions to their fight.

“This surrender means that al-Shabab’s morale is low, and a thorn has been removed from Mudug,” wrote Fiqi on Facebook.

Somali President Vows Unyielding Al-Shabab Defeat