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HomePOLITICSSifuna Rebukes Ojienda at Mum's Funeral, Says He Won't Be Re-Elected if...

Sifuna Rebukes Ojienda at Mum’s Funeral, Says He Won’t Be Re-Elected if He Quits ODM

Sifuna Rebukes Ojienda at Mum’s Funeral, Says He Won’t Be Re-Elected if He Quits ODM

Nairobi senator Edwin Sifuna has delivered a stern message to his Kisumu counterpart, Tom Ojienda during his mother’s burial in Nyakach Constituency.

Speaking during the event on Saturday, June 15, Sifuna warned Ojienda about his collaboration with the Kenya Kwanza government.

Why Sifuna warn Ojienda about supporting the government

He cautioned Ojienda about the potential consequences in the 2027 elections if he departs from ODM, the party that sponsored him to the Senate.

“Tom Ojienda, I urge you to avoid engaging in verbal battles with me due to your loss. Your political aspirations will only materialize if you remain within the ODM party. Those around you are deceiving you to ensure your failure. Allow me to be candid. Should you venture outside this party, leading Kisumu will be out of reach for you,” he warned.

As the secretary-general of ODM, Sifuna disclosed that he had sent 86 letters to ODM MPs, urging them to oppose the Finance Bill 2024.

He also criticized Gideon Ochanda, the Bondo lawmaker, for justifying heavy taxes under the guise of infrastructure development and the permanent employment of junior secondary teachers.


“I have written and signed 86 letters to MPs urging them to refrain from traveling outside the country until they vote against the oppressive bill affecting Kenyans,” he added.

Sifuna was surprised by Gachagua’s government criticism

Expressing disbelief, Sifuna questioned Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s stance in criticizing Kenya Kwanza colleagues for disregarding Kenyans.

“The government is performing so poorly that individuals like Rigathi Gachagua appear admirable to the extent of cautioning government officials about disrespecting Kenyans. How is it conceivable that he is the only individual within the government thinking critically?” he asked.

Additionally, he dismissed allegations of collaboration with certain leaders from the UDA party after he traveled with them in the same jet.

Mourners walk out on Ojienda during Mum’s burial

Meanwhile, a section of leaders, Ojienda, and the clergy were shocked when mourners walked out of the ceremony after Sifuna completed his speech.

Ojienda claimed that the Nairobi senator is known for his speeches that seem to be a catalyst.

He also acknowledged him as his secretary general, despite his unwavering support for the Kenya Kwanza government.

Sifuna Rebukes Ojienda at Mum’s Funeral, Says He Won’t Be Re-Elected if He Quits ODM