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HomeNewsSharon Otieno Murder Trial: Witness Cross-Examined, No Direct Evidence Against Obado

Sharon Otieno Murder Trial: Witness Cross-Examined, No Direct Evidence Against Obado

Sharon Otieno Murder Trial: Witness Cross-Examined, No Direct Evidence Against Obado

The trial for the murder of Rongo University student Sharon Otieno continued on Wednesday, with former Migori Governor Okoth Obado, Caspal Obiero, and Michael Oyamo as defendants. The 42nd witness was cross-examined during the proceedings.

Investigations officer Nicholas Ole Sena informed the court that Obado was not present at the crime scene on the day of the incident.

Ole Sena also stated that there was no evidence proving Obado’s involvement in the alleged kidnapping of Sharon and the journalist.

“The investigation concluded that the deceased was kidnapped and then killed, but there is no evidence linking Obado to Sharon’s murder,” Ole Sena told the court.

Obado’s lawyers, Kioko Kilikumi and Rodgers Sagana sought information on whether Obado approved of the meetings between his co-accused and the deceased.

Ole Sena responded that there was no proof that Obado was aware of the meetings and that on the day in question, the former governor was at Raila Odinga’s home in Karen for a meeting from 5 pm to around 9 pm.

“I can confirm he was at Raila Odinga’s residence during that time,” stated the investigating officer.


Ole Sena also noted that the relationship between Sharon and Obado was open-ended.

He added that Obado was not at fault and was present in court due to his relationship with Sharon, as he impregnated her, which is not illegal since she was an adult.

“There was no mention that Obado attended the meetings, and it wasn’t disclosed whether he knew about the meeting at Gracia Hotel,” Ole Sena added.

Ole Sena also testified that Obado had planned to buy a house for Sharon due to her pregnancy.

“Indeed, I can confirm Obado intended to purchase land and build a three-bedroom house in Homa Bay valued at Ksh.3 million for Sharon, as stated by a former MCA,” he said.

The trial is ongoing.

Sharon Otieno Murder Trial: Witness Cross-Examined, No Direct Evidence Against Obado