Ruto’s Vision: Uniting Africa and De-Dollarisation Sparks Comparisons to Gaddafi

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Ruto’s Vision: Uniting Africa and De-Dollarisation Sparks Comparisons to Gaddafi

A standing ovation for President William Ruto at the recent Pan-African Parliament Summit. Reflected his growing projection as a champion for the continent. Fighting against the perceived mistreatment of its leaders by developed nations.

In his appearances at regional conferences. President Ruto is emerging as a ferocious critic of the West’s unfair treatment of the continent. Including “loading its leaders onto buses like schoolchildren.”

Dr. Ruto has also criticized global financial institutions. For categorizing African nations as high-risk borrowers and, as a result. Charging them higher interest rates compared to developed nations that receive low-interest loans from the same lenders.

Analysis of Ruto’s speeches, since he assumed office a year ago. Portrays him as a leader who seeks to unite the continent. And guide its nations in confronting their Western counterparts’ excesses.

Dr. Ruto has requested that his fellow African leaders address the disparities in currencies. Which he has described as a significant barrier to intra-African trade.

Prof. Gilbert Khadiagala, who teaches international relations at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. Asserts that President Ruto has raised legitimate and profound concerns. About how the West treats Africa, but that advocating for Pan-African causes is a costly and fruitless endeavor.

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Prof. Khadiagala asserts that convincing 54 African nations to agree on common positions. Will require significant efforts and resources that President Ruto may lack.

Ruto’s remarks at regional summits sound like those of previous maximalist Pan-Africanists. Such as Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah and Libya’s Gaddafi. Who proposed a United States of Africa (USA) with one government, military, and currency. To reverse Africa’s asymmetrical position in the global order,’ he says.

“It is understandable that President Ruto wishes to make his mark on the African and international stage. Prof. Khadiagala, who is also the director of the Africa Centre for the Study of the United States at Wits University, argues that there is no better way to announce one’s entry into international affairs than by embracing such populist and radical Pan-Africanist platforms.

The majority of Kenya’s debts are denominated in dollars, according to Prof. Khadiagala, making de-dollarisation a difficult campaign.

“If President Ruto is serious about de-dollarization, he should speak with these nations about forming a unified front. Prof. Khadiagala says, “However, I am not convinced that this should be a priority of Kenya’s foreign policy because the de-dollarization debates are proposed by countries that may not ultimately implement them.”

On May 17, while addressing the Pan-African Parliament Summit in South Africa, President Ruto passionately advocated for the continent and protested the continent’s mistreatment in a speech that earned him a standing ovation from the assembled leaders.

In his address, Dr. Ruto discussed how the participation of African presidents in some global conferences has been reduced to a mere photo opportunity.

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“We want to be productive, as opposed to simply taking pictures, eating dinner, and then going home.” Good citizens, we have food in our nations. While we are invited to these summits, we are given limited time, then arranged, all 50 of us, for photos, which are the only souvenirs we take home, Dr. Ruto complained.

“When others want to engage with us, they don’t want to deal with a tray card,” he said. “What kind of engagement do you anticipate where 50 heads of state are seated with limited time to speak?”

Analysts believe that Dr. Ruto has the potential to fill the void left by the late President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela if he plays his cards well and avoids alienating key players on the international stage.

Mr. Mandela was widely lauded for his efforts to promote reconciliation.

Col. Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe also attempted to unite the continent. Col Gaddafi was instrumental in the establishment of the African Union (AU).

Ruto’s Vision: Uniting Africa and De-Dollarisation Sparks Comparisons to Gaddafi

He also advocated for an African Union to compete with the United States and the European Union.

Prof. Macharia Munene, a professor of History and International Relations, asserts that President Ruto is actively seeking relevance and positioning himself as the spokesperson for Africa.

Win, Rolla lost AU job Prof. Munene asserts that Dr. Ruto is not the first African head of state to seek the continent’s unification.

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“It is evident that he has both intent and ability, but his efforts are being undermined by the irresponsible statements of some of his ministers. Prof. Munene said this about statements made by some cabinet secretaries that have the potential to spark diplomatic conflicts with Kenya.

Francis Mwangangi, the vice-governor of Machakos and an expert in international relations, asserts that Kenya has the most to gain from Dr. Ruto’s ambition to present the continent as having the equal potential to the West.

It would be in the best interests of all African presidents to demand equality on the international stage, he asserts, because Western nations have long looked down on the continent.

“We had individuals such as the late Mandela. Currently, the content lacks a unifying theme. He has assumed the responsibility of promoting a positive image of the continent, according to Mr. Mwangangi.

XN Iraki, a lecturer at the University of Nairobi, asserts that Dr. Ruto’s chances of success in this endeavor will largely depend on how he manages the strategic interests of some of the world’s superpower nations.

“Nelson Mandela’s passing has left a void in Africa that has yet to be filled.” Remember the pioneers of pan-Africanism. Who replaced them?

Dr. Ruto fills a void created by the perception that African leaders are mistreated because no one is advocating for their cause.

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“He can (be successful) by not antagonizing the key global stakeholders, such as the West and, more recently, China and Russia, and by not endangering their strategic interests.”

In yet another conference – the Mo Ibrahim Governance Weekend. Held on April 29 at the Kenya International Convention Centre (KICC). Dr. Ruto complained that he and his counterparts from other African countries are sometimes treated like schoolchildren. He cited an incident in September of last year when African heads of state were transported by bus to Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom. For the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

The government of the United Kingdom issued travel instructions to the heads of state attending the Monday event, instructing them to park their vehicles in west London.

However, leaders from developed nations, including US Vice President Joe Biden, used their official vehicles.

Dr. Ruto characterized the event as humiliating for African leaders. “Occasionally, we are mistreated. It is wrong that we are packed into buses like schoolchildren, he said during the Nairobi meeting.

“I am convinced that our generation of African leadership has the historic mandate to retire this unhelpful profile and instead articulate a more accurate and compelling portrait of Africa that is both factually faithful and aspirationally ambitious,” he urged African leaders.

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In the same conference, President Ruto pleaded with global lenders for fair interest rates, urging them to focus on Africa’s underlying potential and not view them as high-risk borrowers.

“We are requesting a financial architecture that benefits all parties,” he said.

The President challenged the international financial system to charge developing nations only interest on loans.

“Developed nations enjoy interest rates as low as 0.5% while developing nations must pay rates of over 10%.”

The President advocated for a unified payment system. During his address at the 22nd Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Summit of Heads of State and Government last week in Zambia.

Despite the introduction of several regional payment infrastructures on the continent. A single system that “seamlessly facilitates trade among our nations by eliminating the obstacles posed by different currencies” is still lacking. According to him.

“Without a single payment platform, payment instructions from one African country to another pass through multiple intermediary financial institutions, resulting in higher costs,” he explained.

Ruto’s Vision: Uniting Africa and De-Dollarisation Sparks Comparisons to Gaddafi