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Ruto’s Ambassador Picks: Wealth and Worth Revealed!

Ruto’s Ambassador Picks: Wealth and Worth Revealed!

Following the conclusion of the vetting of 26 ambassadorial nominees, Gossipa2z.com has been able to get its hands on the final report which details the net worth of the individuals President William Ruto has entrusted to represent Kenya abroad.

From analysis, their net worth ranges between Ksh10 million to Ksh800 million.

Notably, the richest nominee is former Director General of the Communication Authority of Kenya (CA) Ezra Chiloba who has been approved to be deployed to Los Angeles.

Here is a list of the nominees, their net worth, and how they made the millions they own.

Ezra Chiloba – Nominee for Consul-General to Los Angeles, USA

Net Worth: Ksh800 million
Job: Former CA Director General

According to Chiloba’s submission, he amassed the wealth by fixed assets and shareholding in a company. Other sources of his millions are his salary, the court’s decretal sum, and agribusiness sales.

Joash Arthur Maangi – Nominee for High Commissioner to Kampala, Uganda

Net Worth: Ksh690 million
Job: Former Kisii Deputy Governor

Maangi has majorly amassed his wealth from investments in the real estate industry where he collected rent. He has also invested in the transport sector.

David Kiplagat Kerich – Nominee for Ambassador to Washington DC, USA

Net Worth: Ksh378 million
Job: Former Speaker Speaker Baringo County Assembly

“The nominee estimated his net worth at Ksh378 million, with income derived from legal fees and rental properties. He also indicated that his deferred income and future benefits consist of legal fees,” read the report in part.

Fredrick Otieno Outa – Nominee for Ambassador to Cairo, Egypt

Net Worth: Ksh280 million
Job: Former Kisumu Senator

The nominee revealed that he has ventured into rice and livestock farming. Furthermore, the nominee indicated that his deferred income and future benefits include pensions and proceeds from farming.

Catherine Kirumba Karemu – Nominee for High Commissioner to London, UK

Net Worth: Ksh250 million
Job: Advisor at the Ministry of Public Service

The nominee indicated that the money was made through salaries earned over the years and through various investments.

Amb. Moi Lemoshira – Nominee for Ambassador to Tokyo, Japan

Net Worth: Ksh230 million
Job: Director General of Foreign Service for Political and Diplomatic Affairs

The nominee estimated his net worth to be approximately Ksh230 Million with the sources of income being civil service remuneration and allowances and agricultural investments.

Abdi Aden Korio – Nominee for Ambassador to Muscat, Oman

Net Worth: Ksh200 million
Job: Board Member in the National Museums of Kenya

The nominee indicated that his sources of income include livestock and shareholding in a private company.

Lt. Gen. Jonah Mwangi – Nominee for Ambassador to Tehran, Iran

Net Worth: Ksh150 million
Job: Former vice Chief of Defence Forces

“The nominee submitted that his net worth is approximately Ksh150 million and that his sources of income include a salary for services in the Kenya Defence Forces. Furthermore, he indicated that his deferred income and future benefits include a pension for his service in the Kenya Defence Forces,” read the report in part.

Lt. Gen. Peter Mbogo Njiru – Nominee for High Commissioner to Islamabad, Pakistan

Net Worth: Ksh150 million
Job: Former Commander of Kenya Army

He attributed his net worth to his salary at KDF. He has also made investments in real estate(rental investments) and farming.

Peter Mutuku Mathuki – Nominee for Ambassador to Moscow, Russia

Net Worth: Ksh150 million
Job: Outgoing East Africa Community (EAC) Secretary General

The nominee estimated his net worth to be approximately Ksh150 million with the sources of income being employment.

Ekitela Erastus Lokaale – Nominee for Permanent Representative to United Nations, New York, USA

Net Worth: Ksh150 million
Job: Head of the Presidential Secretariat on the South Sudan Peace Process

“The nominee estimated his net worth to be Ksh150 million with sources of income being consultancy fees, rental income, and income from the hotel business,” read the report in part.

Prof. Anne Kisaka Nangulu -Nominee for Ambassador to Dakar, Senegal

Net Worth: Ksh103 million
Job: Principal at Bomet University College

She estimated her net worth to be Ksh103,523,373 with the source of income being employment.

Gertrude Angote – Nominee for Permanent Representative to UNEP

Networth: Ksh100 million
Job: Senior Legal and Environmental Law Adviser

The nominee revealed to the Committee that her sources of income were monthly salary, income from farming, dividends, and bonuses.

Aden Mohamud Mohamed -Nominee for Consul-General to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Net Worth: Ksh100 million
Job: Assistant Director at the Africa Affairs Directorate and the Middle East Directorate.

The nominee detailed that the sources of income were rental income of an average of Ksh10 million annually.

Fancy Too – Nominee for Ambassador/Permanent Representative to Geneva, Switzerland

Net Worth: Ksh89 million
Job: Chairperson of the National Environmental Complaints Committee

“The nominee estimated her net worth to be Ksh89 million with the sources of income being salary from Strathmore University, board allowance, farming, transport businesses, and dividends,” read the report in part.

Carolyn Kamende Daudi – Nominee for High Commissioner to Ottawa, Canada

Net Worth: Ksh85 million
Job: Lawyer

“The nominee estimated her net worth at Ksh85 million, with sources of income including honoraria paid by the IEBC Tribunal and legal fees for legal services. She pointed out her deferred income and future benefits as encompassing unpaid legal fees and fee balances in her law firm, Kamende D.C & Company Advocates,” read the report in part.

Halima Yussuf Mucheke – Nominee for Ambassador to The Hague, Netherlands

Networth: Ksh83 million
Job: Chairperson of the Tourism Regulatory Authority

“The nominee estimated her net worth to be Ksh83 million with her sources of income being honorarium and allowances from the Tourism Regulatory Authority,” read the report in part.

Grace Atieno Okara – Nominee for Permanent Representative to UN-Habitat, Nairobi

Net Worth: Ksh80 million
Job: Senior Researcher -CBK

She estimated her net worth at Ksh80 million with the sources of income being salary and income from farming.

Timothy Kaluma Mcharo – Nominee for Ambassador to Algiers, Algeria

Net Worth: Ksh71 million
Job: Diplomat

The nominee stated that his net worth comes from income earned in employment. He has also ventured into real estate and earns rent.

David Iboko Lokemer – Nominee for Consul-General to Dubai, UAE

Net Worth: Ksh60 million
Job: National Intelligence Service

The nominee estimated his net worth as Ksh60 million with the primary source of income being salary.

Lilian Tomitom – Nominee for High Commissioner to Lusaka, Zambia

Net Worth: Ksh60 million
Job: Former West Pokot Women Representative

The nominee estimated her net worth at Ksh60 million. The wealth was generated from maize and livestock farming as her primary sources of income.

Jessica Muthoni Gakinya – Nominee for Ambassador to Rabat, Morocco

Net Worth: Ksh40 million
Job: Served in telecommunication company

She estimated her net worth to be Ksh40 million with her sources of income being salaries and work bonuses.

Christopher Andrew Lang’at – Nominee for Ambassador to Abidjan, Cote D’ivoire

Net Worth: Ksh20 million
Job: Commissioner at the Commission for University Education (CUE)

“The nominee estimated his net worth to be Ksh20 million with the sources of income being rental income, salary, foreign service allowance, sales from livestock, and dividends from shares,” read the report in part.

Kenneth Milimo Nganga -Nominee for Ambassador to Abu Dhabi, UAE

Net Worth: Ksh13 million
Job: KNUT Executive Secretary – Bungoma

The nominee estimated his net worth to be approximately Ksh13 million with the sources of income being salary.

Everlyne Mwenda Karisa – Nominee for Ambassador to Havana, Cuba

Net Worth: Ksh10 million
Job: Senior Administration Officer at Bandari Maritime Academy

She listed her sources of income as salary, share dividends, and proceeds from farming.

Charles Githinji Keiru – Nominee for Consul-General to Goma, DRC(Rejected)

Net Worth: Ksh13.5 million
Job: Former Petrol Service Station Retailer

He estimated his net worth as Ksh13.5 million comprising fixed and movable assets with his source of income as business. Notably, his nomination was rejected as he did not demonstrate to know his work and his station.

Ruto’s Ambassador Picks: Wealth and Worth Revealed!