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HomePOLITICSRuto Fumes After Bomet, Kericho Governors Booed at His Meetings(Video)

Ruto Fumes After Bomet, Kericho Governors Booed at His Meetings(Video)

Ruto Fumes After Bomet, Kericho Governors Booed at His Meetings

Political tension reached a climax in Bomet as President William Ruto and his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua oversaw the initiation of development initiatives across three constituencies.

Backers of Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok and Senator Hillary Sigei clashed, hurling stones at each other in the town’s commercial center just before the President arrived.

The conflict persisted for more than an hour, leaving stones strewn across the town as businesses hastily shut down and passenger vehicles were quickly driven away from the main matatu stage.

The police faced a challenging task as they worked to separate young individuals engaged in hurling stones and various objects at each other, causing disruptions to traffic along the Bomet-Narok and Bomet-Kisii highways. Despite their efforts to clear the road, the situation remained chaotic.

The altercation ensued as President Ruto oversaw the inauguration of the Chemamul transformer project in Bomet East constituency.

During the unveiling of the 60-kilometer Kyogong-Sigor-Chebunyo and Longisa-Kipreres-Sigor road upgrade to bitumen standards, costing Sh 2.1 billion, President Ruto had to step in when Professor Barchok faced persistent interruptions from the audience.

“I do not want this kind of chaos in my meetings. United Democratic Alliance (UDA) is a party that embraces order. Allow the leaders to make their speeches and if they have not performed, wait and deal with them in the next general election by voting them out,” Dr Ruti said at Kapkesosio Trading Centre in Chepalungu.

“Please, allow the leaders to speak. After all, you are the ones who elected them in the last general election “Dr Ruto said.

Professor Barchok faced the jeering crowd with determination and delivered his speech, aiming to persuade the unruly audience to support his perspective.

“Mr. President, except for a few of these people who are intoxicated, I have the majority of the people on my side,” Professor Barchok said in what appeared to have set the tempo for the crowd building up in Bomet town ahead of the President’s arrival.

During the event, Senator Hillary Sigei experienced a brief interruption, indicating the presence of two factions at the gathering, each poised to support their respective sides.

As the President’s group made its way to Chemamul for their second project, a conflict erupted in the town, lasting for more than an hour. Despite efforts by the police, they were unable to control the situation, and motorists found themselves caught in the chaos.

On Thursday in Kericho, a similar situation unfolded where a crowd loudly voiced their dissent towards Governor Dr. Eric Mutai.

Dr. Ruto stepped in at Belgut TTI to mediate when Dr. Mutai was interrupted while delivering a remarkably brief one-minute speech.


The President stated that it was inappropriate for individuals in his gatherings to disrupt leaders by shouting, emphasizing that such intolerance was unnecessary.

“If you are not satisfied by the performance of some leaders, the only time to make your point known is during the election season, but not mid-term. Let the leaders serve their term and deal with them later” Dr Ruto said.

Dr. Ruto expressed that the leadership of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party prioritized order, contrasting it with its competitors whom he alleged often held disorderly gatherings.

At Kapsuser Trading Centre, the noise reached its peak as the Governor became visibly agitated and responded sharply to the hecklers, insisting that their disrespectful behavior needed to cease.

“I know you have been sponsored to heckle me. These bad manners have to stop. I would not agree as Governor for this to continue happening. It must come to an end” Dr Mutai said.

In Bomet, tensions have been brewing between Governor Hillary Barchok and Senator Hillary Sigei ever since the Presidential tour was announced.

Kipchumba Murkomen, the Cabinet Secretary for Roads, along with Senator Sigei and Chepalungu Member of Parliament Victor Koech, inspected the upcoming projects set for opening. Governor Barchok, who has had minimal involvement, opted out of the tour.

It’s typical for political conflicts to become public in Bomet County whenever the President visits or during rallies with high-ranking politicians in attendance.

Ruto Fumes After Bomet, Kericho Governors Booed at His Meetings