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HomeNewsRaila: Wetangula's Housing Levy Challenge Disqualifies Him as Speaker

Raila: Wetangula’s Housing Levy Challenge Disqualifies Him as Speaker

Raila: Wetangula’s Housing Levy Challenge Disqualifies Him as Speaker

Opposition Leader Raila Odinga has strongly criticized National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula for taking the matter to the Supreme Court to contest the Court of Appeal’s decision regarding the contentious housing levy.

Addressing the crowd at Kamukunji grounds on Sunday, Raila asserted that Wetangula’s conduct renders him ineligible for the position of Speaker in the Kenyan Parliament.

The leader of the ODM party stated that the housing levy went through parliamentary approval and was endorsed by lawmakers during Wetangula’s tenure. Consequently, he argued that Wetangula lacked the moral standing to challenge the decision.

“Wetangula does not qualify to be the speaker of Kenya. No one in the world a speaker does what he has done. He was there when the bill was passed as faulty as it is. He oversaw it,” Raila said.


The National Assembly, in collaboration with Wetangula, submitted a notice to challenge the court’s decision that deemed the housing levy unconstitutional.

The notification conveyed displeasure with the decision from the Court of Appeal, thereby signaling a desire to contest it in front of the Supreme Court.

“Take notice that the National Assembly and the Speaker of the National Assembly, the 1st and 2nd Applicants in Nairobi Court of Appeal Civil Application No. E577 of 2023 (the “Appellants”), being dissatisfied with the decision of the Court of Appeal (Hon. L. Achode, Hon. J. Mativo, and Hon. M. Gachoka) delivered at Nairobi on 26th January 2024, intend to appeal to the Supreme Court of Kenya against the whole of the said ruling,” read the notice.

In the recent Friday decision, Judges Lydia Achode, John Mativo, and Paul Gachoka emphasized the public’s concern in the case, highlighting the High Court’s verdict that the housing levy was implemented without a proper legal foundation.

Raila: Wetangula’s Housing Levy Challenge Disqualifies Him as Speaker