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HomeNewsQuestions Arise Over 2 Multi-Million Projects Launched by Raila 

Questions Arise Over 2 Multi-Million Projects Launched by Raila 

Questions Arise Over 2 Multi-Million Projects Launched by Raila 

Homa Bay County has faced scrutiny due to unfinished multimillion projects initiated by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga in 2023.

According to the Auditor General’s findings in the 2022/2023 report on County Governments’ Executive, AOG Nancy Gathungu disclosed that certain portions of the Kigoto Maize Milling Plant and the Homa Bay County Stadium remained unfinished.

According to the report, approximately Ksh369 million was allocated for the construction of Raila Odinga Stadium. However, despite this expenditure, the parking lot and the fence surrounding the stadium remain unfinished.

Moreover, other areas remain unfinished, such as sections lacking installed gates, the provision of PVC chairs for the stadium pavilion, and the finalization of mechanical and electrical tasks within both the pavilion and the playing surface.

“Field inspection in August 2023 revealed that although the facility had been launched to the public for use and branded, the aforementioned unsatisfactory matters were noted,” read part of the report.

The ex-Prime Minister inaugurated the stadium in July 2023, even though the initiative commenced back in 2014. Despite facing delays spanning over a decade, President William Ruto pledged during his visit to the county to guarantee its eventual completion.


The oval-shaped stadium, with a seating capacity of 20,000 individuals, is anticipated to accommodate various local and global sporting occasions.

Conversely, the changing rooms, generator room, and fencing remained unfinished at the Kigoto Maize Milling Plant, prompting inquiries into the allocation of funds.

According to the report, a sum of Ksh4.7 million was disbursed to a contractor for erecting a fence and building a gate at the milling facility.

Nevertheless, although public funds had been allocated, a physical examination conducted by the Auditor General exposed that both projects were unfinished, with no contractor present at the site.

“The other infrastructure and civil works expenditure includes Ksh4,979,700 paid to a contractor for the construction of sentry house, changing rooms, generator room and general repairs,” read part of the report.

Gathungu observed that the inspection of the milling plant revealed incomplete areas that have resulted in significant financial losses for taxpayers.

In November 2022, Raila inaugurated a milling facility capable of processing up to 30 tonnes of maize daily. The plant produces Mokwa maize flour, providing a cost-effective choice for Kenyan consumers.

Questions Arise Over 2 Multi-Million Projects Launched by Raila