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HomeNewsOutcry as Miguna Demands Action on Silence Over Meru Blogger's Murder

Outcry as Miguna Demands Action on Silence Over Meru Blogger’s Murder

Outcry as Miguna Demands Action on Silence Over Meru Blogger’s Murder

Attorney Miguna Miguna has expressed his discontent about the apparent lack of response from high-ranking security authorities concerning the killing of Daniel Muthiani, a prominent political activist and blogger from Meru, recognized by the alias ‘Sniper.’

Miguna, under his X alias, strongly criticized the savage behavior and raised concerns about the lack of response from the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and the Inspector General (IG) regarding this incident.

“Kenya is a violent society that has been run over by the culture of impunity,” Miguna said.

“On this Christmas Day, Kenyans demand to hear from the DCI and Japheth Koome about the barbaric murder of Sniper,” he added.

This occurred just a day following the condemnation by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Kenya regarding the kidnapping, abuse, and killing of the blogger.

The sniper went missing on December 2nd and was later found deceased on December 16, 2023.

A postmortem examination conducted by Government pathologist Johansen Oduor at Marimanti Level 4 Hospital Mortuary on Friday revealed that he was killed by strangulation around the neck.

Oduor mentioned that Sniper had visible indicators on his neck and displayed symptoms resembling someone who had experienced a shortage of oxygen.

He exhibited fractured ribs and injuries to his head, indicating that he had been strangled before being tossed into a river.


In a Monday announcement, the ICJ highlighted that the Kenyan constitution ensures the freedom of speech and the right to pursue, obtain, and share information.

Advocating for fairness on behalf of the blogger, it emphasized that every individual in Kenya possesses the freedom to critique and challenge those in authority appointed by the populace.

“We call upon law enforcement to thoroughly investigate and prosecute those responsible for Sniper’s death,” it said.

The body examination revealed no signs of defensive wounds, prompting inquiries into whether he was rendered incapable of defending himself.

Law enforcement officials stated that they have recognized potential individuals involved in the homicide, among them being local workers.

A senior official said arrests and questioning are expected soon.

“The probe points to some people who had bad relationships with the deceased. This is murder,” a senior official aware of the probe said.

Outcry as Miguna Demands Action on Silence Over Meru Blogger’s Murder