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HomePOLITICSOsoro's Soup Purchase: Denies Bribing Azimio MPs to Skip Finance Bill Vote

Osoro’s Soup Purchase: Denies Bribing Azimio MPs to Skip Finance Bill Vote

Osoro’s Soup Purchase: Denies Bribing Azimio MPs to Skip Finance Bill Vote

The Majority Whip of the National Assembly, Silvanus Osoro, has defended himself in the wake of allegations that Azimio la Umoja lawmakers were coerced into skipping the vote on the controversial Finance Bill 2023.

Osoro was caught on video on Thursday admitting that he had used shady and unethical tactics, including bribery, to convince some Azimio MPs to skip the parliamentary session on the day of voting.

“I had to use any means necessary to get it through. Had to manipulate systems; I sought methods to get opposition lawmakers to dance to our tune. I connived with opposition lawmakers and arranged for some of them to be absent to obtain the required number of votes. According to the Nation, during a UDA recruitment campaign in Kitutu Chache South Constituency, Osoro stated that some of the candidates were sponsored to travel abroad while others were bribed to feign illness.

Saturday, during an address at Calib secondary school in West Pokot County, Osoro claimed that he was misquoted and that all he did was invite the few Azimio MPs to share a ‘basin of soup’ at parliament’s canteen, which he claims was misinterpreted as a reference to money.

“I am in charge of catering for the catering committee in parliament, and I just said that I invited opposition members and put them in the kitchen where our mess hall is, where we had pumpkin soup. Now you’ve changed that to say that a bowl of soup equals money, and MPs also consume soup,” he stated.

ALSO READ: Silvanus Osoro Confession: MPs Bribed to Skip Finance Bill Vote

He went on to claim that the government did not take any coercive measures against Azimio MPs, arguing that the low turnout of opposition MPs influenced their vote on the bill.

“The government did not spend a dime to convince Azimio’s representatives to vote; they simply did not show up.” People should cease defaming the government and its members.

The Finance Bill was signed into law on June 26 by President Ruto, following its passage by the National Assembly.

Esther Passaris (Nairobi Woman Rep) and Felix Odiwuor (Lang’ata) (Jalang’o) are two MPs affiliated with the Azimio coalition who are known to have supported the bill.

24 additional ODM representatives who were absent during the voting session now face disciplinary action within the party.

In the meantime, the High Court has prolonged the conservatory orders suspending the implementation of the Finance Act 2023, which established the new record-breaking petroleum prices.

According to petitions filed by Senator Okiya Omtatah of Busia and one Peter Agoro, the measure was based on illegality and therefore violates the Constitution.

Osoro’s Soup Purchase: Denies Bribing Azimio MPs to Skip Finance Bill Vote