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ODM MP’s wife dies

ODM MP’s wife dies

The loved ones of Changamwe MP Omar Mwinyi are grieving after the loss of his wife, Rukiya Khatib Ali.

On January 9, the ODM party conveyed its sympathies to the mourning family and recognized the significant sorrow caused by the loss.

“Pole sana Hon. Omar Mwinyi – MP for Changamwe for the loss of your beloved wife Mama Rukiya Khatib Ali. We commiserate with you and your family at this very difficult moment of grief and pray to Allah SWT to grant you peace during this trying time,” read the statement from ODM, reflecting the party’s solidarity with the bereaved family.

Bi Rukiya’s interment will occur later today by Muslim customs.

The passing of Bi Rukiya has led to an overwhelming expression of sympathy from coworkers, governmental figures, and supporters of MP Omar Mwinyi.


“Pole sana Muheshimiwa Omar Mwinyi (Changamwe MP) kuondokewa na mke wako Bi Rukiya Khatib Ali. Allah ailaze roho ya mama yetu mahali pema penye wema. Allah akupe subra pamoja na familia yako wakati huu mgumu wa huzuni,” shared former Kisuani MP Ali Mbogo, extending his condolences to the grieving family.

Omar Mwinyi has served as the Member of Parliament for Changamwe since his initial election to the position in 2013.

Before joining politics, he served as a director at Panal Freighters Limited.

Before that time, he worked as a teacher and eventually attained the position of principal at Bomu Primary School and Chaani Primary School.

In 1979, he started his career as an educator, initially working as a teacher. He taught at Marereni Primary School until 1981, at which point he transitioned to Mwijabu Primary School, taking on the role of deputy headteacher.

Changamwe MP Omar Mwinyi

ODM MP’s wife dies