ODM Cries Foul: Alleged Police Plot to Raid Simba Arati’s Home

HomeNewsODM Cries Foul: Alleged Police Plot to Raid Simba Arati's Home

ODM Cries Foul: Alleged Police Plot to Raid Simba Arati’s Home

The Orange Democratic Movement asserted on Monday that police intend to search the home of Kisii Governor Simba Arati just hours after General Service Unit (GSU) agents raided his office.

The party stated in a statement signed by Secretary General Edwin Sifuna that it had received credible information that police were planning an unwarranted search on the Governor’s residence on the outskirts of Kisii town.

Entrance to the Ksh180 million ODM headquarters

“There is no search warrant that has been issued by the courts and we find this to be the highest level of intimidation and coercion. Such raids should be carried out during the daytime. The Governor is available to provide any information they may be looking for,” Sifuna stated in a dispatch.

The party added that Governor Arati has been unable to perform his duties in Kisii town for the past week due to the excessive presence of police officers from the General Service Unit.

“It is worth noting that there have not been any reported cases of insecurity in Kisii town and its surroundings to call for the deployment of GSU personnel,” Sifuna further remarked.

As a result, the party demanded that elected officials be respected regardless of their political affiliation.

“Harassment and trying to force Governors into submission is one way of killing the hard-fought democratic space that we all enjoy,” stated Sifuna.


In a separate statement, Raila Odinga’s Azimio Coalition condemned the earlier assault on Arati’s secondary office at Gusii Stadium.

Executive Council Wycliffe Oparanya dismissed in his statement the police officers’ claim that they were conducting routine patrols and were unaware that Arati had an office at the Stadium.

”Azimio la Umoja – One Kenya Coalition Party takes a very dim view of the incident in which a large number of General Service Unit officers laid siege to the offices of H.E. Simba Arati, the Governor of the county of Kisii earlier today,” the statement read.

The coalition suspected foul play, asserting that the government is using security agencies to coerce governors with opposing views.

”The Kisii incident is a continuation of a growing pattern of the Kenya Kwanza administration misusing national government institutions like investigative agencies and security apparatus to intimidate and blackmail governors.”

The Coalition expressed concern over the trend, asserting that it jeopardizes the performance of Governors and poses a threat to devolution as a whole.

”Azimio strongly condemns this act of abuse of power and office by national government officers and warns them to cease,” the statement read.

GSU officers blocking Kisii Governor Simba Arati from accessing his office on Monday, October 30, 2023

ODM Cries Foul: Alleged Police Plot to Raid Simba Arati’s Home