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HomeNewsNdii's Reaction: Ruto's Ksh1.1B Advisor Proposal

Ndii’s Reaction: Ruto’s Ksh1.1B Advisor Proposal

Ndii’s Reaction: Ruto’s Ksh1.1B Advisor Proposal

The Chairperson of the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors, David Ndii, clarified on Saturday through his X account that the reported high proposed budget allocation for President William Ruto’s advisors is inaccurate. 

Ndii countered assertions about the proposed allocations for Ruto’s advisors, denouncing them as untrue from an economic standpoint.

In particular, Ndii rejected suggestions that advisors receive an entertainment allowance and require bodyguards for their protection

This response from Ndii was prompted by concerns raised by some Kenyans regarding the seemingly excessive proposed government allocations for advisors.

Ndii emphatically stated that advisors do not receive an entertainment allowance, addressing a social media user’s query. 


He explained that the substantial budget was intended for organizing meetings, a crucial aspect of his role involving policy development and overseeing implementation.

Ndii further explained that his responsibilities involve organizing numerous meetings daily, attended by groups ranging from 10 to 30 individuals each, with boardrooms being the primary venue. 

Additionally, he refuted claims that Cabinet Secretaries are more beneficial to the President, asserting that advisors possess greater wisdom and understanding for effective implementation of policies.

Ndii’s response comes in light of reports indicating a proposed allocation of Ksh1.1 billion for the President’s consultants by the national treasury for the 2024/2025 fiscal year. 

This allocation is part of the Ksh5.37 billion allocated to President William Ruto’s office, representing an increase from the previous fiscal year’s allocation of Ksh4.03 billion.

The advisor’s role is crucial in offering insights to assist the government in fulfilling its obligations to the public.

Ndii’s Reaction: Ruto’s Ksh1.1B Advisor Proposal