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HomePOLITICSNatembeya Explains When He Fell Out With Wetangula, Mudavadi, and Why

Natembeya Explains When He Fell Out With Wetangula, Mudavadi, and Why

Natembeya Explains When He Fell Out With Wetangula, Mudavadi, and Why

There’s a high-stakes power struggle underway in Western Kenya involving Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya, Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, and National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula as they vie for influence in the region.

What initially started as a clash of personalities has now evolved into a full-scale battle for dominance in the Western region, which holds significant voting power.

The most recent development in this enduring conflict occurred when Governor Natembeya clarified that the disagreement between him and Speaker Wetangula isn’t based on personal issues, but rather stems from a fundamental difference in opinion and viewpoint.

In a frank interview with Citizen TV, Natembeya didn’t hold back in his criticism of Ford Kenya party leader, accusing Wetangula of using the Luhya community for his political advantage.

“When he claims to continue the journey started by Masinde Muliro and Wamalwa Kijana, does he truly understand the essence of that journey?” Natembeya questioned.

“He is leveraging our people to consolidate power. He rallies supporters by boasting about his influence, yet fails to utilize it for the development of our region,” Natembeya asserted, shedding light on what he perceives as Wetangula’s opportunistic approach to politics.

The governor made additional disclosures, claiming that Wetangula had reportedly tried to discourage him from pursuing a political career before the 2022 elections. This purportedly aimed to pave the way for Wetangula’s favored candidate, Chris Wamalwa of Ford Kenya.

As part of the agreement, Wetangula purportedly assured Natembeya of a cabinet role within the Kenya Kwanza administration.

“He is uncompromising and authoritarian. He imposes his agenda without room for negotiation. Disagreeing with him often results in intimidation tactics,” Natembeya lamented, shedding light on the contentious nature of their relationship.


When questioned about his potential support for either Wetangula or PSC Mudavadi if chosen to represent the Mulembe Nation through consensus, Natembeya declined to commit.

“I will reject the proposal because it would be manipulation. Where we have reached, the two cannot take us anywhere. You cannot teach old dogs new tricks,” he argued. 

Natembeya’s critiques emerged a mere day following Speaker Wetangula’s decision to finally address the issue.

Choosing not to involve himself in verbal conflicts, Wetangula restated his dedication to bringing together the Luhya community and fostering unity across the nation.

He criticized the use of physical confrontations in politics, stressing the importance of dignity and mutual respect among leaders.

Despite efforts to minimize the conflicts, the divide between Natembeya and Wetangula has persisted and deepened, as both parties remain steadfast in their positions.

Political analysts have expressed worries regarding how such disagreement could affect the progress of the region’s development plans.

Natembeya Explains When He Fell Out With Wetangula, Mudavadi, and Why