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HomePOLITICSMudavadi Heaps High Praise on Raila, Reveals Strategy for AU Chair Race

Mudavadi Heaps High Praise on Raila, Reveals Strategy for AU Chair Race

Mudavadi Heaps High Praise on Raila, Reveals Strategy for AU Chair Race

Mudavadi emphasized Raila’s capacity to tackle urgent challenges confronting Africa, including resolving conflicts, addressing food shortages, and promoting economic unity.

Following a significant resolution reached in Addis Ababa on Friday, March 15th, Mudavadi staunchly supported Raila’s ambition to assume leadership positions on the continental stage.

“We believe there’s a strong synergy, and we are offering Africa a very credible candidate,” said the Foreign Affairs CS.

During the interview, Mudavadi commended Raila for his extensive experience in public service, particularly highlighting his tenure as Kenya’s Prime Minister.

He emphasized Raila’s remarkable Pan-African heritage and his proven ability to foster unity, particularly in the face of adversity.

Mudavadi emphasized Raila’s ability to tackle urgent challenges confronting Africa, including resolving conflicts, addressing food insecurity, and promoting economic integration.

He said, “Raila has seen both hot and cold, if I may use such terminology. And he has shown the capacity to bring people together and to reconcile even under difficult circumstances.”

Adding, “ And looking at the kind of challenges we are facing on the African continent, issues around conflict, food insecurity, the need to foster greater integration and enhance economic activity along the African continent.”

The support arrives as Kenya gets ready to commence a continent-wide initiative after the AU Executive Council chooses to discard two significant suggestions that might have posed obstacles to Raila’s candidacy.


Mudavadi announced that the Council no longer requires the next AU Commission Chairperson to be a woman, nor does it stipulate a particular region for the chairperson, thereby offering more flexibility for Kenya’s candidacy.

“This is a breakthrough for the Eastern Africa region,” remarked Mudavadi, as he highlighted the Council’s unanimous affirmation of the region’s right to nominate the next AU Commission Chairperson.

Nevertheless, the decision must be approved by the Assembly, which consists of the leaders of the 55-member bloc, before it can become an official regulation.

In response to the news, Mudavadi claimed that Raila Odinga is now positioned to join the competition for the AU Commission Chairperson role.

He stressed that Kenya now faces no technical or legal barriers preventing it from presenting its candidate, indicating a straightforward route for Raila.

According to the updated regulations, solely the Northern Africa region will put forward nominees for the Deputy Chairperson role, with other regions vying for the six commissioner positions.

Mudavadi delineated the forthcoming stages of Raila’s path, which encompass the official filing of documents, engaging in lobbying endeavors across regions, and showcasing Raila’s qualifications to the African continent.

Furthermore, Mudavadi emphasized Kenya’s extensive participation in African affairs, noting President William Ruto’s proactive role in addressing issues such as climate change, financial restructuring, and bolstering Africa’s international presence.

He highlighted Ruto’s selection by African leaders to lead additional reforms within the AU, demonstrating Kenya’s dedication to promoting the continent’s welfare.

Mudavadi Heaps High Praise on Raila, Reveals Strategy for AU Chair Race