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HomePOLITICSMbadi Warning: ODM's Future at Risk in Raila Succession Clash

Mbadi Warning: ODM’s Future at Risk in Raila Succession Clash

Mbadi Warning: ODM’s Future at Risk in Raila Succession Clash

The leadership of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) is cautioning about the potential fracturing of the party amid intense internal conflicts fueled by succession-related politics.

Prominent figures within the party are currently engaged in a contentious battle to assume leadership of the opposition political group, challenging the incumbent leader Raila Odinga, who is pursuing the Chairmanship position at the African Union Commission.

While speaking to the media on Wednesday, John Mbadi, the National Chairman of ODM, advised prudence and advised against individuals attempting to succeed Mr. Odinga from being too ambitious.

“I fear that the actions and utterances of the last few days are not in the best interest of the party and those of the party leader who is keen on an orderly, inclusive, and impactful agenda of the party,” stated Mbadi.

Mbadi emphasized that Mr. Odinga’s nonattendance wouldn’t result in a lack of leadership within the party, as two deputy leaders have been tasked with steering the party during this transitional phase.

Mbadi urged former Governors Hassan Joho and Wycliffe Oparanya, both deputy party leaders, to step up and provide leadership for the party. He encouraged other party leaders and members to acknowledge their authority until all necessary election procedures are established.


“In the absence of the party leader, there are two deputy party leaders. Some of our members are operating as if in the absence of the party leader there is no party leadership, ODM has leadership, we also have the Chairman but we work together,” he noted.

Mbadi proceeded to voice apprehension about factions emerging within the party and cautioned that the personal ambitions of its members might ultimately undermine the party’s unity and stability.

“I am just reminding our members, that you could be jumping the bridge and the river is too wide. Kindly, restrain yourselves and do it in a manner that you are not disruptive, ambitions can be very disruptive to a political party; they might not build a party if not tempered, I am equally very ambitious but it must be moderated,” he stated.

The chairman of the ODM party also suggested that the upcoming grassroots elections, slated for next week, might be delayed due to the absence of an elections committee.

Mbadi stated that the central committee will convene next Tuesday to determine whether the party will proceed with the mentioned elections.

“There could be some challenges to that because our elections coordinating committee is not in place, so we may not have party elections in April. But we will decide that next week and indicate when we will have elections, it has nothing to do with the infighting,” he said.

Mbadi Warning: ODM’s Future at Risk in Raila Succession Clash